यदा न कुरुते भावं सर्वभूतेष्वमङ्गलम् ।
समद‍ृष्टेस्तदा पुंसः सर्वाः सुखमया दिशः ॥

yadā na kurute bhāvaṁ sarva-bhūteṣv amaṅgalam |
sama-dṛṣṭes tadā puṁsaḥ sarvāḥ sukhamayā diśaḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 9.19.15)

“When a person does not foster an attitude of inauspiciousness towards all living beings, then, because of [one’s] equal vision, all directions are filled with happiness.”


tarhi kadā kenopāyena vā manasaḥ saṁpūrṇā prītiḥ syād yayā kāmopaśamaḥ syāt? ity ata āha—yadeti ṣaḍbhiḥ, amaṅgalaṁ bhāvaṁ rāga-dveṣādi-vaiṣamyam |

“[Devayānī asks Mahārāja Yayāti:] Then, when or by what means shall complete satisfaction of the mind occur whereby the cessation of desire shall occur?’ Thus he speaks with six [verses, starting with this one]: yadā …. ‘An attitude of inauspiciousness’ (amaṅgalaṁ bhāvaṁ) refers to the unfairness [alt., harshness, impropriety, or, distress] of attachment (rāga), enmity (dveṣa), and so forth.”

śānta-kāmasyāsādhāraṇaṁ lakṣaṇam āha—yadeti | sarva-bhūteṣu sva-dveṣṭṛṣv api amaṅgalaṁ dveṣaṁ na kuruta iti sva-sammānādi-kāma-sattve evāvamānādi-kartari dveṣaḥ sambhaved iti bhāvaḥ | sama-dṛṣṭeḥ vyavahārika-nindā stuty-ādiṣu tulya-buddheḥ sukha-mayāḥ sukha-mayyaḥ |

“He [i.e., Mahārāja Yayāti] states the exceptional characteristic of one of extinguished desire: yadā … [i.e., he speaks this verse]. He does not foster inauspiciousness (amaṅgalam), that is, enmity, towards all living beings, that is, even his own enemies. Thus the purport is that just by the presence of desire for honor and so forth for oneself, enmity towards those who show disrespect and so forth can occur. Because of ‘equal vision’ (sama-dṛṣṭeḥ), that is, because of an understanding of the equivalence of ordinary defamation (nindā), praise (stuti) and so forth, [all directions are] filled with happiness (sukhamayā).”


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