anyeṣām api mahābhaktānāṁ prīter udāsīnā gatir na bhavaty eva | kim uta viruddhā | tad-anukūlā sampattiś cāprārthitaiva bhavatīti sthitam | prītimatāṁ cāyam atiśayaḥ—yadi bhagavatā sa na dīyate tadā tenādānenāpi prīter ullāsa eva bhavati | yadi vā dīyate tadā tenāpīti |
(Prīti Sandarbha: 59)
“Other great bhaktas also never have a destination (gati) indifferent to prīti, much less one contrary [to it]. And it has been established [earlier in PRS 51] that attainments favorable to that [i.e., prīti] also occur unsought [i.e., without their having to be prayed for specifically]. Those [bhaktas] possessed of prītī also have this excellence: if that [i.e., some particular attainment, such as some form of wealth, status, opportunity, etc., or a particular form of mukti] is not given [to them] by Bhagavān, then even with that non-bestowal [of the attainment], there is a definitive increase in [their] prīti, and if, alternately, that [attainment] is given [by Bhagavān], then with that bestowal [of the attainment] also [there is a definitive increase in their prīti, as in the case of Sudāmā Vipra who rejoiced out of prīti after leaving Dvārakā without receiving anything from Bhagavān Śrī Kṛṣṇa, and rejoiced again out of prīti after arriving home and finding all the wealth given to him by Śrī Kṛṣṇa].”
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