yasmāt pramathase tattvaṁ jātosmākaṁ yathā vidheḥ
yasmāt pramathase tattvaṁ jātosmākaṁ yathā vidheḥ |
tasmān manmatha-nāmā tvaṁ loke khyāto bhaviṣyasi ||
jagatsu kāma-rūpas tvaṁ tvat-samo na hi vidyate |
atas tvaṁ kāma-nāmāpi khyāto bhava manobhava ||
madanān madanākhyas tvaṁ jāto darpāt sadarpakaḥ |
tasmāt kandarpa-nāmāpi loke khyāto bhaviṣyasi ||
(Śiva Purāṇa:–6)
“Since you ever intensely churn [alt., agitate, or, harass] the psyche of ourselves as [you do so] of Brahmā [too], you will be known in the world by the name Manmatha [lit., ‘Mind-churner’]. There is no one in the universe equal to you, you who have a form of desire (kāma) [i.e., you who can assume any form you so desire]. Thus, you shall be known by the name Kāma [i.e., ‘Desire’] too, O you whose birth occurs in the mind. You are known as Madana [i.e., ‘Impassioning’] because of [your being] impassioning [of others], and, born of pride, you are possessed of pride. Thus, you will be known by the name Kandarpa too.”