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  • śrīmad-rūpa-padābja-dhūlim alike nityaṁ dadhe yā manāg
    ghrātā hṛn-madhupaṁ mamānayad aho kṛṣṇāṅghri-tṛṣṇāṅghripam |
    yaḥ saṁsāra-mataṅgajāṅga-madirāṁ vyasmārayat svai rasair
    yad-gandhāṇu-lavo’pi karṣati dhṛtottarṣaṁ munīndrān api ||
    (Stavāmṛta-laharī: Nikuñja-keli-virudāvalī: 70)

    Forever I hold upon my forehead
    The pollen of the lotus feet of Śrīmad Rūpa,
    Which upon being smelled [just] slightly
    Have drawn the bee [lit., nectar-drinker] of my heart
    To the desire-tree of Kṛṣṇa’s feet,
    Which with their own nectars
    Have caused forgetfulness of the rut juice
    Of the elephant of saṁsāra,
    And even a minute trace of the fragrance of which
    Attracts even the best of the sages
    And fills them with intense desire.”

    Read on →: śrīmad-rūpa-padābja-dhūlim alike nityaṁ dadhe yā manāg

  • A Vine of Longing

    By Śrīmad Rūpa Gosvāmīpāda

    Read on →: Utkalikā-vallari

  • vyāmohāya carācarasya jagatas te te purāṇāgamās
    tāṁ tām eva hi devatāṁ paramikāṁ jalpantu kalpāvadhi |
    siddhānte punar eka eva bhagavān viṣṇuḥ samastāgama-
    vyāpāreṣu vivecana-vyatikaraṁ nīteṣu niścīyate ||
    (Padma Purāṇa: 5.97.27; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 1.107; Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 2.4.142; Laghu-bhāgavatāmṛta: 1.2.53; Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 2.20.142)

    “Let the various Purāṇas and Āgamas chatter about the [supposed] supremacy of various devatās for the sake of deluding the world of moving and stationary beings to the end of the kalpa. When, however, the expressions of all the Āgamas are brought into conjoint examination, then, in accord with their siddhānta, one alone, Bhagavān Viṣṇu, is ascertained [to be supreme].”

    Read on →: vyāmohāya carācarasya jagatas te te purāṇāgamās

  • alpākṣaraṁ ramaṇīyaṁ yaḥ kathayati niścitaṁ sa khalu vāgmī |
    bahu-vacanam alpa-sāraṁ yaḥ kathayati vipralāpī saḥ ||
    (Mahāsubhāṣita-saṅgraha: 3197)

    “One who explains [a subject] in a few pleasing words is certainly eloquent. One who explains [a subject] with many words of little substance is a prattler.”

    Read on →: alpākṣaraṁ ramaṇīyaṁ yaḥ kathayati niścitaṁ sa khalu vāgmī

  • autsukya-mātram avasāyayati pratiṣṭhā​
    kliśnāti labdha-paripālana-vṛttir eva​ |
    nātiśramāpanayanāya na ca śramāya​
    rājyaṁ sva-hasta-dhṛta-daṇḍam ivātapatram​ ||
    (Abhijñāna-śākuntalam: 5.6)​

    “[Mahārāja Duṣyanta:] Position (pratiṣṭhā) reduces only eagerness [i.e., the longing to attain it], and the task of maintaining the acquired [position] causes only distress. Kingship, like an umbrella the pole of which is held in one’s own hand, leads neither to hardship nor to any great removal of hardship.”

    Read on →: autsukya-mātram avasāyayati pratiṣṭhā​

  • nāsac-chāstreṣu sajjeta nopajīveta jīvikām |
    vādavādāṁs tyajet tarkān pakṣaṁ kañca na saṁśrayet ||
    na śiṣyān anubadhnīta granthān naivābhyased bahūn |
    na vyākhyām upayuñjīta nārambhān ārabhet kvacit ||
    (Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 7.13.7–8; cited in Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 1.2.113)

    “[Śrī Nārada to Śrī Yudhiṣṭhira regarding rules for a sannyāsī:] One should not foster attachment to texts related to the unreal (asat-śāstra), one should not subsist on a vocation, one should avoid arguments based on assertions regarding propositions, and one should not take any particular side [in such arguments]. One should not be followed by [many] disciples, one should not study many texts, one should not engage in teaching [many texts], and one should never start undertakings.”

    Read on →: nāsac-chāstreṣu sajjeta nopajīveta jīvikām

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