तेषु नित्यं महाभाग महाभागेषु मत्कथा: ।
सम्भवन्ति हि ता नृणां जुषतां प्रपुनन्त्यघम् ॥
teṣu nityaṁ mahābhāga mahābhāgeṣu mat-kathāḥ |
sambhavanti hi tā nṝṇāṁ juṣatāṁ prapunanty agham ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.26.27; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 10.277)
“O you of great fortune [i.e., O Uddhava], discussions of me continuously take place among they who are most fortunate [i.e., among the sat as described in the prior verses], and they [i.e., those discussions] completely wash away the sin of human beings who honor [alt., delight in, them].”
sambhavanti samyak jāyante | tāḥ kathā eva aghaṁ pāpaṁ prakarṣeṇa punanti, savāsanam unmūlayanti, saṁsāra-duḥkhaṁ nāśayantīti vā |
(Dig-darśinī-ṭīkā on Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 10.277)
“‘Take place’ (sambhavanti) means arise in full. Those discussions completely wash away sin (agham), that is, they uproot it along with the vāsanā [for committing sin], or, they destroy the suffering or saṁsāra.”
prapunantīti pra-śabdaḥ svata eva teṣāṁ punāntvāt |
“In ‘completely wash away’ (prapunanti), the prefix pra [“completely’] is [used] because of their being purifying [of sin] of their own accord [i.e., by their very nature].”
teṣām uktayo hi mat-kathā evety āha—teṣv iti |
“Their [i.e., the sat mentioned in the previous verses] words are only discussions of me. Thus, he speaks this verse (teṣu … ).”