नमोऽस्तु ते महायोगिन् प्रपन्नमनुशाधि माम् ।
यथा त्वच्चरणाम्भोजे रति: स्यादनपायिनी ॥
namo’stu te mahāyogin prapannam anuśādhi mām |
yathā tvac-caraṇāmbhoje ratiḥ syād anapāyinī ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.29.40)
“[Uddhava to Kṛṣṇa:] May my obeisance be [offered] unto you, O greatest of yogīs. Please instruct me, who have taken shelter [in you], so that I may have everlasting rati for your lotus feet.”
evaṁ yady api tvayā bahūpakṛtaṁ tathāpy etāvat prārthaye ity āha—namo’stv iti | anuśādhy anuśikṣaya | anuśāsanīyam āha—yatheti | muktāv apy anapāyinī |
(Bhāvārtha-dīpikā; cited in Bhakti Sandarbha: 335)
“Although I have been greatly benefited by you in this way, still I pray for this much: namo’stu … [i.e., he makes the prayer stated in this verse]. … ‘Everlasting’ (anapāyinī) means even after mukti [i.e., Uddhava prays that he may have rati for Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s feet even while in the state of being liberated].”
tathāpi paramābhīṣṭaṁ tava kṛpayaiva sampatsyata iti punaḥ sakāku praṇaman prārthayate—namo’stv iti | māṁ prapannam anuśādhi saṁpādayety arthaḥ | tasyāś ca prapatter vaiśiṣṭyāya spṛhayann āha—yatheti |
“[Uddhava felt:] ‘Still, my ultimate desire will be fulfilled only by your grace.’ Thus, he again offers obeisance and prays [to Kṛṣṇa] with sorrowful words: ‘May my obeisance …. [i.e, he speaks the present verse].’ ‘Please instruct me, who have taken shelter’ means please do this. And desiring the speciality of that, that is, of taking shelter (prapatti) [in Bhagavān], he says, ‘so that … [i.e., he prays for rati].’”
he mahāyogin! mahā-yoga-balena sarvatraiva māṁ svānubhāvanayā ānandayituṁ pravṛtta |
“O great yogī! By the great power of [your] yoga, please proceed to delight me with experience of yourself everywhere.”