
na kāmaye’nyaṁ tava pāda-sevanād

na kāmaye’nyaṁ tava pāda-sevanād
akiñcana-prārthyatamād varaṁ vibho |
ārādhya kas tvāṁ hy apavargadaṁ hare |
vṛṇīta āryo varam ātma-bandhanam ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 10.51.56)

“[Mucukunda to Bhagavān Śrī Kṛṣṇa:] O Vibhu, I desire no boon other than the service of your feet—that which is most worthy to be prayed for by the detached. O Hari, after worshiping you, the bestower of apavarga [i.e., bhakti], what wise person would choose a boon [that is a cause] of bondage of the self?”

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tan naḥ samādiśopāyaṁ yena te caraṇābjayoḥ

tan naḥ samādiśopāyaṁ yena te caraṇābjayoḥ |
smṛtir yathā na viramed api saṁsaratām iha ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 10.73.15)

“[Kings pray to Bhagavān Śrī Kṛṣṇa:] Please indicate aptly that means by which remembrance of your lotus feet shall not cease even for us, who are transmigrating here.”

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yā prītir vidurārpite mura-ripo kunty-arpite yādṛśī

yā prītir vidurārpite mura-ripo kunty-arpite yādṛśī
yā govardhana-mūrdhni yā ca pṛthuke stanye yaśodārpite |
bhāradvāja-samarpite śabarikā-datte’dhare yoṣitāṁ
yā vā te muni-bhāminī-vinihite’nne’trāpi tām arpaya ||
(Unknown author; cited in Padyāvalī: 117)

“O Enemy of Mura,
The pleasure which you took
In the offering of Vidura,
The offering of Kuntī,
[The fruits, roots, and so forth offered by] The peak of Govardhana,
The abundant breastmilk offered by Yaśodā,
The grand offering of Bhāradvāja,
The offering of the Śabara’s daughter,
The lips of the women [of Vraja],
And the offering of the wives of the sages [i.e., the Vedic brāhmaṇas of Vraja]—
May you take that [type of pleasure] in the food [being offered] here too.”

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dvija-strīṇāṁ bhakte mṛduni vidurānne vraja-gavāṁ

dvija-strīṇāṁ bhakte mṛduni vidurānne vraja-gavāṁ
dadhi-kṣīre sakhyuḥ sphuṭa-cipiṭa-mṛṣṭau mura-ripo |
yaśodāyāḥ stanye vraja-yuvati-datte madhuni te
yathāsīd āmodas tam ayam upahāre’pi kurutām ||
(Attributed to Śrī Rāmānuja; cited in Padyāvalī: 116)

“O Enemy of Mura,
As you delighted in the food of the brāhmaṇa’s wives,
The meager meal from Vidura,
The yoghurt and milk of the cows of Vraja,
The handful of broken, flat rice from your friend [i.e., Sudāmā],
The breastmilk of Yaśodā,
And the sweets offered by the young girls of Vraja,
So may you do so [i.e., may you delight]
In this offering as well.”

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vaiṣṇave prītir āstāṁ me prītir āstāṁ prabhor guṇe

vaiṣṇave prītir āstāṁ me prītir āstāṁ prabhor guṇe |
sevāyāṁ prītir āstāṁ prītir ārtiś ca kīrtane ||
āśrite prītir āstāṁ me prītiś ca bhajanonmukhe |
ātmani prītir āstāṁ me kṛṣṇe bhaktir yathā bhavet ||
(Śrī Kṛṣṇa-bhajanāmṛta: 1.35–36)

“May I have love (prīti) for the Vaiṣṇavas;
May I have love for Prabhu’s qualities;
May I have love for service [to Bhagavān, Vaiṣṇavas, and so on];
May I have love and heart-ache for kīrtana;
May I have love for those who have taken shelter [in Bhagavān];
May I have love for those intent upon
bhajana [of Bhagavān];
And may I have love for my self,
So that I may have bhakti to Kṛṣṇa.”

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śrī-guro paramānanda premānanda-phala-prada

śrī-guro paramānanda premānanda-phala-prada |
vrajānanda-pradānanda-sevāyāṁ māṁ niyojaya ||
(Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 1.51)

“O śrī guru!
O supreme bliss!
O bestower of the fruit of the bliss of prema!
O bestower of the bliss of Vraja!
Please engage me in the bliss of service.”

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