
yo’ndhīkṛtya kutarka-ghūka-paṭalīm ajñāna-mohāndha-hṛt

yo’ndhīkṛtya kutarka-ghūka-paṭalīm ajñāna-mohāndha-hṛt
saṁnudaṁś ca kukarma-jāḍyam abhito hṛt-padmam ullāsayan |
rādhā-mādhava-gūḍha-rūpa-saraṇīm udbhāṣayan bhāskaraḥ
sa tvaṁ śrī-gurudeva pāhi patitaṁ māṁ dīnam andhaṁ janam ||
(Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 1.48)

“He who blinds the owls of sophistry,
Removes the darkness of ignorance and delusion,
Dispels the dullness of misdeeds,
Causes the lotus of the heart to bloom completely,
And illuminates the path
To the confidential forms of Rādhā and Mādhava—
May you, that sun, O Śrī Gurudeva,
Please protect me,
A fallen, lowly, and blind person.”

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yo’ndhīkṛtya kutarka-ghūka-paṭalīm ajñāna-mohāndha-hṛt Read on →

rāga-dveṣaiḥ pramattaḥ kaluṣa-yuta-tanuḥ kāmanā-bhoga-lubdhaḥ

rāga-dveṣaiḥ pramattaḥ kaluṣa-yuta-tanuḥ kāmanā-bhoga-lubdhaḥ
kāryākāryāvicārī śubha-mati-rahitaḥ sādhu-saṅgair vihīnaḥ |
kva dhyānaṁ te kva pūjā kva ca manu-japanaṁ naiva kiñcit kṛto’haṁ
kṣantavyo me’parādhaḥ kali-kaluṣa-hara śrī-murāre mukunda ||
(Unknown source)

“Intoxicated by attachment (rāga) and aversion (dveṣa),
Of defiled form,
Covetous of enjoying desired objects,
Indiscriminate of what is to be done and not to be done,
Devoid of good [alt., pure, noble] mind,
And bereft of association with sādhus—
Where is mediation on you?
Where is worship [of you]?
And where is japa of [your] mantra?
I have certainly not performed these at all.
May my offense be forgiven,
O remover of the defilement of Kali!
O Śrī Murāri!
O Mukunda!”

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rāga-dveṣaiḥ pramattaḥ kaluṣa-yuta-tanuḥ kāmanā-bhoga-lubdhaḥ Read on →

sanātanaṁ namaskṛtya śrī-rūpa-caraṇaṁ bhaje

sanātanaṁ namaskṛtya śrī-rūpa-caraṇaṁ bhaje |
yad-āśrayād ayogyo’pi līlā-sindhau nimajjati ||
(Sadānanda-vidhāyinī-ṭīkā on Śrī Govinda-līlāmṛta: 1.1)

“I offer obeisance to Sanātana and worship the feet of Śrī Rūpa, by virtue of whose shelter even one who is unfit becomes immersed in the ocean of [Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Govinda’s] līlā.”

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sanātanaṁ namaskṛtya śrī-rūpa-caraṇaṁ bhaje Read on →

varān vibho tvad varadeśvarād budhaḥ

varān vibho tvad varadeśvarād budhaḥ
kathaṁ vṛṇīte guṇa-vikriyātmanām |
ye nārakāṇām api santi dehināṁ
tān īśa kaivalya-pate vṛṇe na ca ||
na kāmaye nātha tad apy ahaṁ kvacin
na yatra yuṣmac-caraṇāmbujāsavaḥ |
mahattamāntar-hṛdayān mukha-cyuto
vidhatsva karṇāyutam eṣa me varaḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 4.20.23–24)

“[Pṛthu Mahārāja to Bhagavān:] O Vibhu! How can an intelligent person request from you, the Īśvara of [even] the granters of boons [i.e., of the devatās such as Brahmā], the boons of [i.e., sought by] those for whom a transformation of the guṇas [i.e., the ahaṅkāra] is [considered] the self? O Īśa! O Master of kaivalya! I too [i.e., although I am not intelligent] do not request those [boons, i.e., objects enjoyable to the senses] which even those possessed of hellish bodies [i.e., the bodies of hogs, dogs, and so on] have. O Nātha! I never desire even that wherein the nectar of your lotus feet is not streaming out through the mouth from the inner heart of the greatest mahats. Please grant me ten-thousand ears [to drink in the nectar of that discussion of your lotus feet]. This is my request.”

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