
aho yūyaṁ sma pūrṇārthā bhavatyo loka-pūjitāḥ

aho yūyaṁ sma pūrṇārthā bhavatyo loka-pūjitāḥ |
vāsudeve bhagavati yāsām ity arpitaṁ manaḥ ||
dāna-vrāta-tapo-homa-japa-svādhyāya-saṁyamaiḥ |
śreyobhir vividhaiś cānyaiḥ kṛṣṇe bhaktir hi sādhyate ||
bhagavaty uttamaḥ-śloke bhavatībhir anuttamā |
bhaktiḥ pravartitā diṣṭyā munīnām api durlabhā ||
diṣṭyā putrān patīn dehān svajanān bhavanāni ca |
hitvāvṛṇīta yūyaṁ yat kṛṣṇākhyaṁ puruṣaṁ param ||
sarvātma-bhāvo’dhikṛto bhavatīnām adhokṣaje |
viraheṇa mahābhāgā mahān me’nugrahaḥ kṛtaḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 10.47.23–27)

“[Uddhava to the gopīs:] Aho! You all, whose minds are offered to Bhagavān Vāsudeva in this way, are verily successful and worshipable to the world. Bhakti to Kṛṣṇa is certainly accomplished by means of charity, rites, austerities, sacrifices, japa, study, and sense control, as well as by various other meritorious acts. Unexcelled bhakti to Bhagavān, he of highest praise (Uttamaḥśloka), that is rare to attain even for the sages, [however,] has been performed [alt., will be propagated] by you all by great fortune. That you all have forsaken [your] sons, husbands, bodies, relatives, and homes and accepted the Supreme Puruṣa [alt., ‘another man’] known as Kṛṣṇa is by great fortune. Bhāva in full form for he who is transcendent (Adhokṣaja) has been attained by [alt., conferred upon] you all, and by separation [i.e., by your experience of separation from Kṛṣṇa with that most complete form of bhāva], O you all of great fortune, tremendous favor has been shown to me.”

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aho yūyaṁ sma pūrṇārthā bhavatyo loka-pūjitāḥ Read on →

īśvare tad-adhīneṣu bāliśeṣu dviṣatsu ca

īśvare tad-adhīneṣu bāliśeṣu dviṣatsu ca |
prema-maitrī-kṛpopekṣā yaḥ karoti sa madhyamaḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.2.46; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 10.25, 10.75; Bhakti Sandarbha: 189; Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 2.22.73)

“One who fosters prema, friendship, grace, and disregard [respectively] in relation to Īśvara, his dependents, the unwise, and the inimical is an intermediate [bhāgavata].”

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īśvare tad-adhīneṣu bāliśeṣu dviṣatsu ca Read on →

taṁ tvākhilātma-dayiteśvaram āśritānāṁ

taṁ tvākhilātma-dayiteśvaram āśritānāṁ
sarvārtha-daṁ sva-kṛta-vid visṛjeta ko nu |
ko vā bhajet kim api vismṛtaye’nu bhūtyai
kiṁ vā bhaven na tava pāda-rajo-juṣāṁ naḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.29.5; cited in Bhakti Sandarbha: 328)

“[Uddhava to Śrī Kṛṣṇa:] Indeed, who cognizant of what has been done for oneself [by you] would reject you, he who is the Self, Beloved, and Īśvara of all and the bestower of all ends upon those who have taken shelter? Who would adore anyone else for the sake of [worldly] well-being or even forgetfulness [of the world, i.e., mokṣa]? And what shall we who delight in the dust of your feet not have [if we simply continue to engage solely in bhakti to you with disinterest in all else]?”

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taṁ tvākhilātma-dayiteśvaram āśritānāṁ Read on →

ananya-mamatā viṣṇau mamatā prema-saṅgatā

ananya-mamatā viṣṇau mamatā prema-saṅgatā |
bhaktir ity ucyate bhīṣma-prahlādoddhava-nāradaiḥ ||
(Nārada Pañcarātra; cited Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 11.382; Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 1.4.2; Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 2.23.8)

“Bhakti dedicated to Viṣṇu that is filled with mamatā [for him] and free from any other mamatā [i.e., loving attachment, lit., ‘my-ness,’ for anyone or anything else] is called prema by Bhīṣma, Prahlāda, Uddhava, and Nārada.”

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ananya-mamatā viṣṇau mamatā prema-saṅgatā Read on →

ya etad ānanda-samudra-sambhṛtaṁ

ya etad ānanda-samudra-sambhṛtaṁ
jñānāmṛtaṁ bhāgavatāya bhāṣitam |
kṛṣṇena yogeśvara-sevitāṅghriṇā
sac-chraddhayāsevya jagad vimucyate ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.29.48)

“A person who [even] slightly honors with sincere śraddhā the nectar of knowledge filled with an ocean of bliss [i.e., the path of Bhagavad-bhakti] spoken to the bhāgavata [i.e., the foremost of bhaktas, Uddhava] by Kṛṣṇa, whose feet are served by the masters of yoga, is completely liberated.”

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ya etad ānanda-samudra-sambhṛtaṁ Read on →

parisphuratu sundaraṁ caritram atra lakṣmī-pates

parisphuratu sundaraṁ caritram atra lakṣmī-pates
tathā bhuvana-nandinas tad-avatāra-vṛndasya ca |
harer api camatkṛti-prakara-vardhanaḥ kintu me
bibharti hṛdi vismayaṁ kam api rāsa-līlā-rasaḥ ||
(Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 2.1.210)

[Uddhava:] “The beautiful feats of Lakṣmīpati and his avatāras who delight the world may manifest in full here [i.e., throughout the universe], but the rasa of the rāsa-līlā, which increases the abundance of even Hari’s astonishment, continually produces some sort of [indescribable] wonder in my heart.”

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parisphuratu sundaraṁ caritram atra lakṣmī-pates Read on →


tvayopabhukta-srag-gandha-vāso’laṅkāra-carcitāḥ |
ucchiṣṭa-bhojino dāsās tava māyāṁ jayema hi ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.6.46; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa 9.355 and Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 1.2.125)

[Uddhava to Kṛṣṇa:] “Adorned with garlands, fragrances, garments, and ornaments enjoyed by you, and partaking of your remnants, your servants can certainly conquer your māyā.”

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tvayopabhukta-srag-gandha-vāso’laṅkāra-carcitāḥ Read on →

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