प्रेमा योऽसौ राधिकाकृष्णयुग्मं
स्वानन्देन प्लावयित्वा सखीश्च ।
शश्वद्विश्वं प्लावयन्सुप्रसिद्धः
सोऽयं बुद्धिं नः समिद्धां करोतु ॥
premā yo’sau rādhikā-kṛṣṇa-yugmaṁ
svānandena plāvayitvā sakhīś ca |
śaśvad viśvaṁ plāvayan suprasiddhaḥ
so’yaṁ buddhiṁ naḥ samiddhāṁ karotu ||
(Gopāla-campū: 15.10)
“That prema which has inundated the couple Rādhikā and Kṛṣṇa and the sakhīs with its own bliss and which continuously inundates the universe has become very well known. May this [prema] here inflame our mind.”