मन्मना भव मद्भक्तो मद्याजी मां नमस्कुरु ।
मामेवैष्यसि युक्त्वैवमात्मानं मत्परायण: ॥
man-manā bhava mad-bhakto mad-yājī māṁ namaskuru |
mām evaiṣyasi yuktvaivam ātmānaṁ mat-parāyaṇaḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhagavad-gītā: 9.34)
“Be of mind fixed on me, [be] my bhakta, [be] my worshipper. Offer obeisance to me. Certainly you will come to me, having engaged your self [i.e., the body and mind] in this way as one sheltered in me.”
rāja-bhakto’pi rāja-bhṛtyaḥ patny-ādi-manās tathā sa tan-manā api na tad-bhakto bhavati | tvaṁ tu tad-vilakṣaṇa-bhāvena man-manā mad-bhakto bhava | mayi nīlotpala-śyāmalatvādi-guṇavati vasudeva-sūnau sva-svāmitva-sva-pumarthatva-buddhyānavacchinna-madhu-dhārāvat satataṁ mano yasya saḥ | tathā mad-yājī tādṛśasyātimātra-priyasya mamārcane nirato bhava | tādṛśaṁ mām atipremṇā namaskuru daṇḍavat praṇama | evam ātmānaṁ mano dehaṁ ca yuktā mayi nivedya mat-parāyaṇo mad-ekāśrayaḥ san mām upaiṣyasi | eṣā bhaktir arpitaiva kriyeteti bodhyam |
“A servant of a king, although he is a bhakta of the king, is of mind fixed upon [his own] wife and so forth, and although he is of mind fixed upon them [i.e., upon his wife and so forth], he is not a bhakta of them. You, however, differently from him, should be [both] of mind fixed upon me and my bhakta. You should be one whose mind is continuously fixed, like an unbroken stream of honey, upon me, the Son of Vasudeva, possessed of qualities beginning with blue lotus swarthiness [in complexion], by virtue of understanding me to be your Lord (Svāmī) and to be the goal of your human life. Similarly, you should be my worshipper, that is, [you should be] engaged in worship of me, who am exceedingly dear [to you] as such [i.e., since I am your Lord, your ultimate attainment, and possessed of innumerable wonderful qualities]. You should offer obeisance, that is, a prostrate obeisance, with abounding prema to me, as such [i.e., to I who am your Lord and so forth]. In this way having engaged, that is, offered to me, the self, that is, the mind and body, and being sheltered in me, that is, being one who sole shelter is me, you will come to me. It is to be understood that this bhakti [i.e., the aforementioned acts of offering obeisance, worship, and so forth] should be [first] offered and [then] performed [i.e., it should be performed by one who is first of all a śaraṇāgata to me and dedicated to satisfying me].”