
martyo yadā tyakta-samasta-karmā

martyo yadā tyakta-samasta-karmā
niveditātmā vicikīrṣito me |
tadāmṛtatvaṁ pratipadyamāno
mayātma-bhūyāya ca kalpate vai ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.29.34; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 8.421; Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 1.2.194; Bhakti Sandarbha: 309; Prīti Sandarbha: 13; Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 2.22.103; Sārārtha-darśinī-ṭīkā on Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 5.12.11)

“When a mortal becomes one who has forsaken all karmas and offered the self to me, then he becomes distinctly desirous to act, attains immortality, and verily becomes fit for becoming of selfsame nature with me.”

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atha svārpaṇa-vidhiḥ

atha svārpaṇa-vidhiḥ—
ahaṁ bhagavato’ṁśo’smi sadā dāso’smi sarvathā |
tat-kṛpāpekṣako nityam ity ātmānaṁ samarpayet ||
(Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 8.418)

“Now, the method of offering the self [is explained; one should meditate]: ‘I am a part of Bhagavān. I am forever a servant [of him] in all respects. I am always a seeker of his grace.’ In this way, one should fully offer oneself.”

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yat kṛtaṁ yat kariṣyāmi tat sarvaṁ na mayā kṛtam

yat kṛtaṁ yat kariṣyāmi tat sarvaṁ na mayā kṛtam |
tvayā kṛtaṁ tu phala-bhuk tvam eva madhusūdana ||
(Attributed to some editions of the Mukunda-mālā-stotram)

“All that I have done and that I shall do is not done by me, but rather done by you, and you alone are the enjoyer of the fruit, O Madhusūdana!”

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gopa-rāmā-jana-prāṇa-preyase’tiprabhuṣṇave |
tadīya-priya-dāsyāya māṁ madīyam ahaṁ dade ||
(Sārārtha-darśinī-ṭīkā on Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 1.1.1, 2.1.1, 3.1.1, 4.1.1, 5.1.1, 6.1.1, 7.1.1, 8.1.1, 9.1.1, 10.1.1, 11.1.1, 12.1.1)

“I offer myself and my own [i.e., all that belongs to me and my very sense of possessiveness] unto the Beloved of the hearts of beautiful gopīs, he of all-surpassing capability, and the service of his beloveds.”

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man-manā bhava mad-bhakto mad-yājī māṁ namaskuru

man-manā bhava mad-bhakto mad-yājī māṁ namaskuru |
mām evaiṣyasi yuktvaivam ātmānaṁ mat-parāyaṇaḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhagavad-gītā: 9.34)

“Be of mind fixed on me, [be] my bhakta, [be] my worshipper. Offer obeisance to me. Certainly you will come to me, having engaged your self [i.e., the body and mind] in this way as one sheltered in me.”

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viracaya mayi daṇḍaṁ dīna-bandho dayāṁ vā

viracaya mayi daṇḍaṁ dīna-bandho dayāṁ vā
gatir iha na bhavattaḥ kācid anyā mamāsti |
nipatatu śatakoṭir nirmalaṁ vā navāmbhas
tad api kila payodaḥ stūyate cātakena ||
(Stava-mālā: 1.16.1)

“O Friend of the poor, you may punish or grace me, but [regardless] I have here [i.e., in this world] no shelter other than you whatsoever. A cloud may cast down a thunderbolt or pure, fresh water. Regardless, it is still praised by the cātaka.”

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mama nātha yad asti yo’smy ahaṁ

mama nātha yad asti yo’smy ahaṁ
sakalaṁ tad dhi tavaiva mādhava |
niyata-svam iti prabuddha-dhīr
atha vā kiṁ nu samarpayāmi te ||
(Stotra-ratna: 53)

“O Master, whatever is mine and whoever I am—all of this is actually yours alone. O Mādhava, with this enlightened awareness of [everything] being eternally your own, what now can I even offer you?”

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vapur-ādiṣu yo’pi ko’pi vā

vapur-ādiṣu yo’pi ko’pi vā
guṇato’sāni yathā-tathā-vidhaḥ |
tad ayaṁ tava pāda-padmayor
aham adyaiva mayā samarpitaḥ ||
(Stotra-ratna: 52; cited in Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 1.2.196)

“Whoever I may be inside the body and so forth, and of whatever sort [I may be in terms of body and so forth] according to the guṇas—today as such this ‘I’ is offered by me at your lotus feet.”

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jānāmi dharmaṁ na ca me pravṛttir

jānāmi dharmaṁ na ca me pravṛttir
jānāmy adharmaṁ na ca me nivṛttiḥ |
tvayā hṛṣīkeśa hṛdi sthitena 
yathā niyukto’smi tathā karomi ||
(Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 3.94)

“I understand dharma, but I do not have the propensity [to follow it]. I understand adharma, but I do not have the restraint [to abstain from it]. O Hṛṣīkeśa [i.e., O Master of the senses], as I am engaged by you, who are situated in my heart, so I act.”

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