यथाग्निना हेम मलं जहाति
ध्मातं पुन: स्वं भजते च रूपम् ।
आत्मा च कर्मानुशयं विधूय
मद्भक्तियोगेन भजत्यथो माम् ॥

yathāgninā hema malaṁ jahāti
dhmātaṁ punaḥ svaṁ bhajate ca rūpam |
ātmā ca karmānuśayaṁ vidhūya
mad-bhakti-yogena bhajaty atho mām ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.14.25; cited in Bhakti Sandarbha: 112)

[Śrī Kṛṣṇa to Uddhava:] “As gold smelted with fire sheds dross and regains its own form [i.e., returns to its pure state], so the ātmā through bhakti-yoga to me casts off [the dross of] the residual effects of karma [i.e., the vāsanās produced by karma] and thereafter [i.e., still, even after becoming completely purified] serves me [i.e., attains through a manifestation of great prema the complete path of service to me; alt., attains a pure form resembling my own and serves me directly in my abode].”


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