तत्तु लौकिकसद्बन्धुबुद्ध्या प्रेम भयादिजम् ।
विघ्नं निरस्य तद्गोपगोपीदास्येप्सयार्जयेत् ॥
tat tu laukika-sad-bandhu-buddhyā prema bhayādi-jam |
vighnaṁ nirasya tad-gopa-gopī-dāsyepsayārjayet ||
(Bṛhad Bhāgavatāmṛta: 2.5.217)
“With desire for servitude to the gopas and gopīs and the mentality of a real, worldly friend [i.e., relating to Śrī Kṛṣṇa as one’s true and dear friend just as husbands, sons, and others are related to in worldly life], one should overcome the obstacles produced by fear and so forth [e.g., reverence, lack of faith, and shyness] and obtain that prema.”
evaṁ durlabhatara-dravyepsayā paramaṁ sa-kāmatvaṁ tad-dravya-tattva-vicāreṇa ca parama-mahā-niṣkāmatāyām eva paryavasānaṁ, niṣkāmatvaṁ ca param ūhyam bhagavad-bhakti-mahodadhau sarva-virodha-pravāha-jāta-lopāpatteḥ |
(Excerpt from the Dig-darśinī-ṭīkā)
“In this way, the great desirousness arising from desire for this very difficult to attain object, through deliberation on the nature of that object, has its culmination only in the highest, supreme desirelessness. So the greatest desirelessness should be inferred [to be present in those who seek and attain this object, prema], as all currents of contradiction reach dissolution in the great ocean of Bhagavad-bhakti.”