स च तद्व्रजलोकानां श्रीमत्प्रेमानुवर्तिना ।
कृष्णे शुद्धतरेणैव भावेनैकेन लभ्यते ॥
sa ca tad-vraja-lokānāṁ śrīmat-premānuvartinā |
kṛṣṇe śuddhatareṇaiva bhāvenaikena labhyate ||
(Bṛhad Bhāgavatāmṛta: 2.5.81)
“And that [i.e., Goloka] is attained only through one-pointed, exceedingly pure bhāva for Kṛṣṇa which follows the beautiful prema of those residents of Vraja.”
idānīṁ tat-prāpty-upāyam āha—sa ceti | sa ca golokaḥ śuddhatareṇa kenacid api doṣāspṛṣṭenety arthaḥ, jñānādi-gandha-rahiteneti vā | ekena kṛṣṇe śrī-nanda-nandane viṣaye bhāvena premṇaiva labhyate | kīdṛśena? teṣāṁ suprasiddhānāṁ vraja-lokānāṁ śrī-nanda-yaśodādīnāṁ prāyas tādṛśa-premṇi prādhānyāt, śrī-rādhādīnāṁ vā yaḥ śrīmān premā tad-anuvartinā tat-sadṛśenety arthaḥ |
“Now, he [i.e., Śrī Nārada] describes the means of attaining that [i.e., Goloka]: sa ca … [i.e., he speaks this verse]. ‘And that,’ meaning, Goloka, is attained only through bhāva, that is, prema, the object of which is Kṛṣṇa, the Son of Śrī Nanda, that is one-pointed and ‘exceedingly pure’ (śuddhatareṇa), that is, untouched by any sort of fault, or, [meaning,] free from [even] a trace of jñāna and so on [i.e., karma, etc.]. [Furthermore,] Of what nature is it? It follows, that is, it resembles, the beautiful prema of those highly renowned residents of Vraja, meaning, of Śrī Nanda, Yaśodā, and so forth on account of [their] preeminence in general in regard to prema of this nature, or [it resembles the beautiful prema] of Śrī Rādhā and so forth [i.e., and other gopīs possessed of madhura-rati].”