माङ्गल्यं जगतामेव विश्वासास्पदता मता ॥
अन्याय्यं न हराविति व्यपगतद्वारार्गला दानवा
रक्षी कृष्ण इति प्रमत्तमभितः क्रीडासु रक्ताः सुराः ।
साक्षी वेत्ति स भक्तिमित्यवनतव्राताश्च चिन्तोज्झिताः
के विश्वम्भर न त्वदङ्घ्रियुगले विश्रम्भितां भेजिरे ॥
māṅgalyaṁ jagatām eva viśvāsāspadatā matā ||
anyāyyaṁ na harāv iti vyapagata-dvārārgalā dānavā
rakṣī kṛṣṇa iti pramattam abhitaḥ krīḍāsu raktāḥ surāḥ |
sākṣī vetti sa bhaktim ity avanata-vrātāś ca cintojjhitāḥ
ke viśvambhara na tvad-aṅghri-yugale viśrambhitāṁ bhejire ||
(Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 2.1.259–260)
“[Bhagavān Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s quality of] Being the object of the entire world’s faith is considered [his quality of] auspiciousness (māṅgalya), [which is illustrated] as follows: ‘Because “There is no injustice in Hari,” the Dānavas [i.e., asuras] leave theirs doors unbolted, because “Kṛṣṇa is our protector,” the suras [i.e., devas] are carelessly absorbed in play all around, and because “He, the witnesser, knows our bhakti,” the humble [lit., “those who are bent down,” i.e., bhaktas] are worry-free. O Maintainer of the world! Who has not fostered confidence in your feet?”
Śrī Jīva Gosvāmī comments that an alternate version of the third line of this verse is also acceptable:
saṅgī vetti mamāpy asāv agatitām ity āśritāḥ sva-sthitā
“Because ‘He, my companion, knows of my also being without any recourse [other than him],’ those who have taken shelter [in him] are steady within themselves.”
In the prior version of the third line, in the compound, “the humble” (avanata-vrātāḥ), the word vrātā, “multitude,” is taken by some to mean vrātyā, which means outcastes, or, those who were part of the first three varṇas but lost their status because of not performing the ten principal saṁskāras required to act in varṇāśrama society as a member of those varṇas. The sense is thus that even those who have been dysfunctional or excluded from varṇāśrama society also become worry-free by virtue of their having faith in Bhagavān and his awareness and appreciation of their bhakti, of whatever magnitude it may be.