हरिलीलासुधासिन्धोस्तटमप्यधितिष्ठतः ।
मनो मम चतुर्वर्गं तृणायापि न मन्यते ॥

hari-līlā-sudhā-sindhos taṭam apy adhitiṣṭhataḥ |
mano mama caturvargaṁ tṛṇāyāpi na manyate ||
(Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 2.4.147)

“Situated even on the shore of the ocean of the nectar of Hari’s līlā, my mind does not consider the caturvarga [i.e., the four puruṣārthas of dharma, artha, kāma, and mokṣa] even to be straw.”


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