अशेषसंक्लेशशमं विधत्ते गुणानुवादश्रवणं मुरारे: ।
किं वा पुनस्तच्चरणारविन्दपरागसेवारतिरात्मलब्धा ॥
aśeṣa-saṅkleśa-śamaṁ vidhatte
guṇānuvāda-śravaṇaṁ murāreḥ |
kiṁ vā punas tac-caraṇāravinda-
parāga-sevā-ratir ātma-labdhā ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 3.7.14)
“Hearing and recounting the qualities of Murāri produces destruction of suffering completely, so how much more does attachment (rati), attained of its own accord, to service to the pollen of his lotus feet [produce]?”
ātma-labdhā … iti rateḥ sva-prakāśatvenājanyatvaṁ vyañjitam | sādhana-bhaktir evāvidyāṁ upaśamayati kiṁ punas tat-sādhyā ratir iti rater mukhyaṁ phalam avidyopaśamo na bhavati, kintu bhagavad-vaśīkāra iti bhāvaḥ |
(Excerpt from the Sārārtha-darśinī-ṭīkā)
“By ‘attained of its own accord’ (ātma-labdhā), rati’s being unproduced on account of its being self-manifest is suggested. Sādhana-bhakti itself [which is described in the first half of the verse] extinguishes ignorance (avidyā), so how much more does rati, that which is to be attained thereby [i.e., by sādhana-bhakti], produce? [It necessarily produces something superior.] Thus, the primary result of rati is not the extinction of ignorance, but [rather] captivation of Bhagavān. This is the purport.”