यस्य साक्षाद्भ‍गवति ज्ञानदीपप्रदे गुरौ ।
मर्त्यासद्धी: श्रुतं तस्य सर्वं कुञ्जरशौचवत् ॥ 

yasya sākṣād bhagavati jñāna-dīpa-prade gurau |
martyāsad-dhīḥ śrutaṁ tasya sarvaṁ kuñjara-śaucavat ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 7.15.26)

“All the hearing of one who thinks guru, who is Bhagavān himself and the giver of the lamp of knowledge, is a contemptible mortal is like the bathing of an elephant [i.e., futile].”


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