तव विक्रीडितं कृष्ण नृणां परममङ्गलम् ।
कर्णपीयूषमासाद्य त्यजन्त्यन्यस्पृहां जनाः ॥
शय्यासनाटनस्थानस्न‍ानक्रीडाशनादिषु ।
कथं त्वां प्रियमात्मानं वयं भक्तास्त्यजेमहि ॥

tava vikrīḍitaṁ kṛṣṇa nṛnāṁ parama-maṅgalam |
karṇa-pīyūṣam āsādya tyajanty anya-spṛhāṁ janāḥ ||
śayyāsanāṭana-sthāna-snāna-krīḍāśanādiṣu |
kathaṁ tvāṁ priyam ātmānaṁ vayaṁ bhaktās tyajema hi ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.6.44–45; cited in Bhakti Sandarbha: 164; Prīti Sandarbha: 111)

“O Kṛṣṇa, having attained [i.e., heard about] your superb play, which is the highest auspiciousness for human beings and nectar for the ears, people relinquish [their] desire for all else. [So,] How could we, your bhaktas while lying down, sitting, walking, standing, bathing, playing, eating, and so on, relinquish you, our Beloved, our very Self?”


anya-spṛhāṁ putra-kalatrādi-mokṣānta-spṛhāṁ tyajanti, na tu vikrīḍitaṁ tyaktuṁ śaknuvanti | ahaṁ tu tvām api tyaktuṁ kathaṁ śaknuyām? iti bhāvaḥ | kiṁ ca, śayyādiṣu tvāṁ bhaktāḥ pāda-saṁvāhanādyair nityaṁ sevitavanto vayaṁ kathaṁ tyajema |

“[People] Relinquish “desire for all else” (anya-spṛhāṁ), that is, desire for sons, wife, and so on up to mokṣa, but they cannot relinquish [hearing about your] superb play. How then could I ever relinquish even you [personally]? [I could never.] This is the purport. Furthermore, how could we, [your] bhaktas, that is, constant servants, by means of foot-massage and so forth, while you are lying down and so on, [ever] relinquish you?”


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