परं पदं वैष्णवमामनन्ति तद्
यन्नेति नेतीत्यतदुत्सिसृक्षव: ।
विसृज्य दौरात्म्यमनन्यसौहृदा
हृदोपगुह्यावसितं समाहितै: ॥
paraṁ padaṁ vaiṣṇavam āmananti tad
yan neti netīty atad-utsisṛkṣavaḥ |
visṛjya daurātmyam ananya-sauhṛdā
hṛdopaguhyāvasitaṁ samāhitaiḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 12.6.32)
[Translation as per Śrīdhara Svāmī’s ṭīkā:] “‘Not this,’ ‘not this, …’ those who are in this way desirous of giving up the unreal [i.e., the non-self] and [so also] of undivided affinity [i.e., of one-pointed affinity for Viṣṇu], having given up ill-naturedness [i.e., the notions of ‘I’ and ‘mine’], speak of the supreme nature of Viṣṇu, which is embraced with the heart and understood by the resolute [i.e., those absorbed in samādhi].”
[Translation as per Viśvanātha Cakravartī’s ṭīkā:] “Those who have given up ill-naturedness [i.e., the depravity of ‘I’ and ‘mine’] through [discernment of] ‘not this,’ ‘not this, …’ [i.e., ‘this is not favorable,’ ‘this is not favorable, …’], and are [thus] desirous of giving up the unreal [i.e., the objects of the notions of ‘I’ and ‘mine’] and possessed of affinity [only] for the unalloyed [i.e., for bhaktas who are of exclusive focus upon Viṣṇu] contemplate the supreme nature of Viṣṇu, which is embraced in the mind and understood [only] by the resolute [i.e., by one-pointed bhaktas through samādhi].”