अलब्धे वा विनष्टे वा भक्ष्याच्छादनसाधने ।
अविक्लवमतिर्भूत्वा हरिमेव धिया स्मरेत् ॥

alabdhe vā vinaṣṭe vā bhakṣyācchādana-sādhane |
aviklava-matir bhūtvā harim eva dhiyā smaret ||
(Padma Purāṇa; cited in Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 2.1.114)

“Whether food and clothing are attained, not attained, or lost, one should remain undisturbed in mind and with understanding remember Hari alone.”


smaraṇādi-parāṇām eveyaṁ rītiḥ | sevādi-parais tu yathā-lābham eva sevā kāryā | na tu yācñādy-atiśayena kārpaṇyaṁ kāryam iti jñeyam |
(Durgama-saṅgamī-ṭīkā; Bhakti-sāra-pradarśinī-ṭikā)

“This [i.e., the approach described in the verse] is the practice for those engaged in smaraṇa and so forth [i.e., forms of sādhana that require no physical resources and are principally for vairāgīs]. Sevā [i.e., vigraha-sevā], however, should be performed by those engaged in [such] sevā and so forth [i.e., in the forms of sādhana that require physical resources beyond one’s personal needs] only with what is obtained of its own accord, and neediness [i.e., self-abasing social behavior, such as day-to-day begging; alt., poor-spiritedness], rather, should not be resorted to by excessive begging and so forth. This is to be understood.”


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