
kathayasva mahābhāga yathāham akhilātmani

kathayasva mahābhāga yathāham akhilātmani |
kṛṣṇe niveśya niḥsaṅgaṁ manas tyakṣye kalevaram ||
śṛṇvataḥ śraddhayā nityaṁ gṛṇataś ca svaceṣṭitam |
kālena nātidīrgheṇa bhagavān viśate hṛdi ||
praviṣṭaḥ karṇa-randhreṇa svānāṁ bhāva-saroruham |
dhunoti śamalaṁ kṛṣṇaḥ salilasya yathā śarat ||
dhautātmā puruṣaḥ kṛṣṇa-pāda-mūlaṁ na muñcati |
mukta-sarva-parikleśaḥ pānthaḥ sva-śaraṇaṁ yathā ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 2.8.3–6; cited in Bhakti Sandarbha: 268; Durgama-saṅgamanī-ṭīkā on Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 1.1.36)

“[Parīkṣit Mahārāja to Śukadeva Gosvāmī:] O you of great fortune, please speak so that I shall give up the body absorbing the mind free from attachment in Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the Self of all. Within not a very long time, Bhagavān enters the heart of one who hears and speaks about his own activities continuously with śraddhā. Having entered through the holes of the ears into the lotus of the bhāva of those who are his own, Kṛṣṇa cleanses away contamination [of the heart] just as the autumn [cleans away contamination] of water. A person of cleansed heart does not leave the base of Kṛṣṇa’s feet just as a traveller by whom all hardship has been given up does not leave his own home [after having returned there].”

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kathayasva mahābhāga yathāham akhilātmani Read on →

gaura-prabhoḥ prema-vilāsa-bhūmau

gaura-prabhoḥ prema-vilāsa-bhūmau
niṣkiñcano bhaktivinoda-nāma |
ko’pi sthito bhakti-kuṭīra-koṣṭhe
smṛtvāniśaṁ nāma-guṇaṁ murāreḥ ||
(Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura; a verse of his own engraved in the wall of his “Bhakti-kuṭī” in Śrī Purī Dhāma)

“In the land of the prema-līlā of Gaura Prabhu,
Some possessionless person (niṣkiñcana) named Bhaktivinoda
Is situated in the inner room of this ‘Bhakti-cottage’ (kuṭī),
Continuously remembering
The names and qualities of Murarī.”

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gaura-prabhoḥ prema-vilāsa-bhūmau Read on →

tasmād bhārata sarvātmā bhagavān īśvaro hariḥ

tasmād bhārata sarvātmā bhagavān īśvaro hariḥ |
śrotavyaḥ kīrtitavyaś ca smartavyaś cechatābhayam ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 2.1.5; cited in Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 1.2.7; Bhakti Sandarbha: 25, 125; Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 2.22.110)

“[Śukadeva Gosvāmī to Mahārāja Parīkṣit:] O descendant of Bharata! The Self of all, Bhagavān, Īśvara, Hari, is to be heard about, to be praised, and to be remembered by one desirous of fearlessness.”

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tasmād bhārata sarvātmā bhagavān īśvaro hariḥ Read on →

mānasādi-pūjāyāṁ bhūta-pūrva-tat-parikara-līlā-saṁvalitatvam api na kalpanā-mayaṁ

mānasādi-pūjāyāṁ bhūta-pūrva-tat-parikara-līlā-saṁvalitatvam api na kalpanā-mayaṁ, kintu yathārtham eva | yatas tasya prākaṭya-samaye līlās tat-parikarāś ca ye prādurbabhūvuḥ, te tādṛśāś cāprakaṭam api nityaṁ tadīye dhāmni saṅkhyātītā eva vartante |
(Bhakti Sandarbha: 286)

“In worship [performed] in the mind and elsewhere, although the content of the meditation is possessed of līlās and associates of his [i.e., Bhagavān’s] that were existent in the past, it is not [merely] imaginary but rather real since his associates and the līlās that appeared at the time of his manifestation (prākaṭya) [which one meditates upon] exist eternally beyond enumeration even unmanifestly as such [i.e., in an equally real form] in his abode [as well].”

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mānasādi-pūjāyāṁ bhūta-pūrva-tat-parikara-līlā-saṁvalitatvam api na kalpanā-mayaṁ Read on →

kuñjād goṣṭhaṁ niśānte praviśati kurute dohanānnāśanādyāṁ

kuñjād goṣṭhaṁ niśānte praviśati kurute dohanānnāśanādyāṁ
prātaḥ sāyaṁ ca līlāṁ viharati sakhibhiḥ saṅgave cārayan gāḥ |
madhyāhne cātha naktaṁ vilasati vipine rādhayāddhāparāhne
goṣṭhaṁ yāti pradoṣe ramayati suhṛdo yaḥ sa kṛṣṇo’vatān naḥ ||
(Govinda-līlāmṛta: 1.4)

“At the end of night, from the kuñja he enters his homestead. In the early morning and evening, he performs līlās of milking [cows], eating food, and so forth. In the forenoon, he sports with friends while herding the cows. At midday and [mid-] night, he plays in full directly with Rādhā in the forest. In the afternoon, he returns to his homestead. In the evening, he delights his well-wishers. May he, Kṛṣṇa, protect us.”

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kuñjād goṣṭhaṁ niśānte praviśati kurute dohanānnāśanādyāṁ Read on →

śrī-rādhā-prāṇa-bandhoś caraṇa-kamalayoḥ keśa-śeṣādy-agamyā

śrī-rādhā-prāṇa-bandhoś caraṇa-kamalayoḥ keśa-śeṣādy-agamyā
yā sādhyā prema-sevā vraja-carita-parair gāḍha-laulyaika-labhyā |
sā syāt prāptā yayā tāṁ prathayitum adhunā mānasīm asya sevāṁ
bhāvyāṁ rāgādhva-pānthair vrajam anucaritaṁ naityikaṁ tasya naumi ||
(Govinda-līlāmṛta: 1.3)

“The attainment of prema-sevā to the lotus feet of Śrī Rādhā’s Prāṇa-bandhu [i.e., Śrī Kṛṣṇa], which is incomprehensible to Brahmā, Śiva, Śeṣa, and others, and attainable only through intense hankering by those who are devoted to the conduct of [the gopīs’ of] Vraja—to now expound mental sevā to him, [which is] to be meditated upon by the followers of the path of rāga, by which this [attainment of prema-sevā] can be attained, I offer obeisance to his daily activity in Vraja.”

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śrī-rādhā-prāṇa-bandhoś caraṇa-kamalayoḥ keśa-śeṣādy-agamyā Read on →

divi vā bhuvi vā mamāstu vāso

divi vā bhuvi vā mamāstu vāso
narake vā narakāntaka prakāmam |
caraṇau te maraṇe’pi cintayāmi ||
(Mukunda-mālā-stotram: 8; cited in Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 2.5.29)

“O Destroyer of Naraka! Let my residence be in the sky [i.e., Svarga], or on earth, or in Naraka, as so willed. Even at death, I shall think of your feet, by which [even] autumnal lotuses are surpassed.”

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divi vā bhuvi vā mamāstu vāso Read on →

caitanyacandra mama hṛt-kumudaṁ vikāśya

caitanyacandra mama hṛt-kumudaṁ vikāśya
hṛdyaṁ vidhehi nija-cintana-bhṛṅga-raṅgaiḥ |
kiṁ cāparādha-timiraṁ niviḍaṁ vidhūya
pādāmṛtaṁ sadaya pāyaya durgataṁ mām ||
(Stavāvalī: Abhīṣṭa-sūcana, 11)

“O Caitanyacandra! Please cause the lily of my heart to bloom and make it adorable with the merriments of the bumblebee of thought of you. Furthermore, O gracious One, please dispel the dense darkness [that has engulfed me as a result] of my aparādhas and make my unfortunate self drink the nectar of your rays [alt., feet].”

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