ये सर्वनैरपेक्ष्येन राधादास्येच्छवः परम् ।
सङ्कीर्तयन्ति तन्नाम तादृशप्रियतामयाः ॥
अन्येषामिव तेषां च प्राप्यं चेधृन्न तृप्यति ।
अहो नन्दयशोदादेर्न सहे तादृशीं गतिम् ॥
ye sarva-nairapekṣyena rādhā-dāsyecchavaḥ param |
saṅkīrtayanti tan-nāma tādṛśa-priyatā-mayāḥ ||
anyeṣām iva teṣāṁ ca prāpyaṁ ced hṛn na tṛpyati |
aho nanda-yaśodāder na sahe tādṛśīṁ gatim ||
(Bṛhad Bhāgavatāmṛta: 2.1.21–22)
“If the attainment of those who, without regard for all of this [i.e., all the aforementioned sādhyas and sādhanas of karmīs, jñānīs, and other bhaktas], desire only servitude to Rādhā and engage in saṅkīrtana of his name [i.e., the name of Kṛṣṇa, the relisher of the rāsa dance], filled with such fondness [i.e., filled with the extraordinary prema of the gopīs, the recipients of the very essence of Bhagavān’s grace], is like that of others [i.e., is the same as that of the Yādavas, Pāṇḍavas, and so forth], then my heart is not satisfied. Aho! I cannot tolerate such a destination for Nanda, Yaśodā, and others [i.e., I cannot tolerate that the people of Vraja led by Nanda and Yaśodā would attain the same destination as the Yādavas, Pāṇḍavas, and others, since an equal result for those who are great and those who are lesser is not befitting].”
sarveṣu teṣāṁ teṣāṁ teṣu teṣu sādhana-sādhyādiṣu nairapekṣyeṇa apekṣā-rāhityena paraṁ kevalaṁ śrī-rādhāyāḥ śrīman-madana-gopāla-devasya parama-mahā-priyatamāyā dāsyasya dāsī-bhāvasya icchavaḥ | ‘śrī-rādhikāyā dāsyo bhavāma’ ity abhilāṣiṇa ity arthaḥ | tal-lābhenaiva sutarāṁ sarvasya nija-vāñchitasya tad-atītasya ca svataḥ saṁsiddheḥ | tasya sarvāsādhāraṇasya parama-mahā-phalasya prāptau tad-ucitaṁ sarvāsādhāraṇaṁ parama-mahā-sādhanaṁ nirdiśati—saṅkīrtayantīti | tasya śrī-rāsa-rasikasya nāma ye samyak susvaraṁ gāthā-bandhādinoccair gāyantīty arthaḥ | tādṛśī sarvato’sādhāraṇī parama-mahattā paramāntya-kāṣṭhāṁ prāptā anirvacanīyā svābhāvikī yā priyatā prema, tan-mayās tad-ekātmakāḥ santaḥ, tasyaiva vā lakṣaṇaṁ tan-nāma saṅkīrtayantīti |
(Excerpt from the Dig-darśinī-ṭīkā)
“‘Without regard for all of this’ means free from regard for all those sādhanas and sādhyas [i.e., those aforementioned in regard to jñānīs and other bhaktas]. ‘Those who desire only servitude to Rādhā’ means those with the desire for the bhāva of a maidservant of the highest, supreme Dearmost [Beloved] of Śrīman Madana Gopāladeva, ‘Let us become maidservants of Śrī Rādhikā.’ So, because only by attaining that does everything desired by oneself, and that which is beyond that, become fully self-manifest, the completely extraordinary, highest, supreme sādhana suitable for attaining the extraordinary, highest, supreme result of that is recommended [here]: ‘engage in saṅkīrtana of his name’, meaning, one sings aloud fully in fine tunes the names of the beautiful relisher of rāsa [i.e., Śrī Kṛṣṇa] through verses, compositions, and so forth. ‘Filled with such fondness’ means being constituted solely of indescribable, natural prema that has reached the final pinnacle of completely extraordinary, supreme greatness, or [it means] engaging in saṅkīrtana of the name which has this characteristic [i.e., which is characterized by prema of such nature].”