
santo’napekṣā mac-cittāḥ praśāntāḥ sama-darśinaḥ

santo’napekṣā mac-cittāḥ praśāntāḥ sama-darśinaḥ
nirmamā nirahaṅkārā nirdvandvā niṣparigrahāḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.26.27; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 10.65; Bhakti Sandarbha: 247)

“Those who are disinterested, of mind fixed on me, completely peaceful, equal seers, free from attachment, free from egotism, free from duality, and free from acquisition are the sat.”

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titikṣavaḥ kāruṇikāḥ suhṛdaḥ sarva-dehinām

titikṣavaḥ kāruṇikāḥ suhṛdaḥ sarva-dehinām |
ajāta-śatravaḥ śāntāḥ sādhavaḥ sādhu-bhūṣaṇāḥ ||
mayy ananyena bhāvena bhaktiṁ kurvanti ye dṛḍhām |
mat-kṛte tyakta-karmāṇas tyakta-svajana-bāndhavāḥ ||
mad-āśrayāḥ kathā mṛṣṭāḥ śṛṇvanti kathayanti ca |
tapanti vividhās tāpā naitān mad-gata-cetasaḥ ||
ta ete sādhavaḥ sādhvi sarva-saṅga-vivarjitāḥ |
saṅgas teṣv atha te prārthyaḥ saṅga-doṣa-harā hi te ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 3.25.21–24; cited in Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 2.22.81)

“[Bhagavān Kapila:] Those who are forbearing, compassionate, well-wishing of all embodied beings, without enemies, peaceful, and possessed of the adornment of good disposition are the sādhus. They who with unalloyed bhāva engage in resolute bhakti to me, they who have given up karmas and given up relatives and friends for me, they who hear and recount pure narrations about me, they of mind given over to me whom the various miseries do not trouble—O Sādhvī [i.e., O pure Mother], they are the sādhus, and [they] are completely free from all attachment. Therefore, attachment to them is to be desired by you, as they are removers of the fault of attachment.”

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anapekṣaḥ śucir dakṣa udāsīno gata-vyathaḥ

anapekṣaḥ śucir dakṣa udāsīno gata-vyathaḥ |
sarvārambha-parityāgī yo mad-bhaktaḥ sa me priyaḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhagavad-gītā: 12.16)

“My bhakta, who is disinterested, pure, expert, indifferent, free from agitation, and a rejector of all undertakings, is dear to me.”

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bhagavan-matir anapekṣaḥ suhṛdo dīneṣu sānukampo yaḥ

bhagavan-matir anapekṣaḥ suhṛdo dīneṣu sānukampo yaḥ |
bahudhā-bodhana-caturo vaktā sammānito munibhiḥ ||
(Skanda Purāṇa: Bhāgavata-māhātmya, 4.22)

“One whose mind is fixed on Bhagavān, and who is impartial [alt., without any desire, such as for obtaining wealth and fame], well-wishing, compassionate to the unfortunate, and expert in teaching in numerous ways is honored as a speaker by the sages.”

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tasmād vairānubandhena nirvaireṇa bhayena vā

tasmād vairānubandhena nirvaireṇa bhayena vā |
snehāt kāmena vā yuñjyāt kathañcin nekṣate pṛthak ||
(Śrīmad Bhaṅavatam: 7.1.25)

“[Nārada Ṛṣi to Yudhiṣṭhira Mahārāja:] Therefore, by constant enmity, by non-enmity, by fear, by affection, or by amorous desire, one can connect [the mind to Bhagavān] such that one does not see [anything] apart [from Bhagavān] by any means.”

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nāhi kā̐hāso virodha

nāhi kā̐hāso virodha, nāhi kā̐hā anurodha,
sahaja vastu kari vivecana |

yadi haya rāga-dveśa, tāhā̐ haya āveśa,
sahaja vastu nā yāya likhana ||
(Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 2.2.86)

“Neither out of opposition to anyone, nor in compliance to anyone, I discuss the fundamental subject-matter. If partiality or enmity arise and absorption in them occurs, then description of the fundamental subject is not possible.”

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ye sarva-nairapekṣyena rādhā-dāsyecchavaḥ param

ye sarva-nairapekṣyena rādhā-dāsyecchavaḥ param |
saṅkīrtayanti tan-nāma tādṛśa-priyatā-mayāḥ ||
anyeṣām iva teṣāṁ ca prāpyaṁ ced hṛn na tṛpyati |
aho nanda-yaśodāder na sahe tādṛśīṁ gatim ||
(Bṛhad Bhāgavatāmṛta: 2.1.21–22)

“If the attainment of those who, without regard for all of this [i.e., all the aforementioned sādhyas and sādhanas of karmīs, jñānīs, and other bhaktas], desire only servitude to Rādhā and engage in saṅkīrtana of his name [i.e., the name of Kṛṣṇa, the relisher of the rāsa dance], filled with such fondness [i.e., the extraordinary prema of the gopīs, the recipients of the very essence of Bhagavān’s grace], is like that of others [i.e., is the same as that of the Yādavas, Pāṇḍavas, and so forth], then my heart is not satisfied. Aho! I cannot tolerate such a destination [being that meant] for Nanda, Yaśodā, and others [i.e., for the people of Vraja led by Nanda and Yaśodā, since an equal result for those who are great and those who are lesser is not befitting].”

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niṣkiñcanā mayy anurakta-cetasaḥ

niṣkiñcanā mayy anurakta-cetasaḥ
śāntā mahānto’khila-jīva-vatsalāḥ |
kāmair anālabdha-dhiyo juṣanti te
yan nairapekṣyaṁ na viduḥ sukhaṁ mama ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.14.17)

“They who have nothing [i.e., no possessiveness towards anything mundane], who are of mind attached to me, who are peaceful, prideless, and affectionate to all jīvas, who are of mind untouched by desire, and who serve me, know the happiness of indifference [i.e., of having no concern for anything apart from Bhagavān], not others [i.e., no one else can experience such happiness].”

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nirapekṣaṁ muniṁ śāntaṁ nirvairaṁ sama-darśanam

nirapekṣaṁ muniṁ śāntaṁ nirvairaṁ sama-darśanam |
anuvrajāmy ahaṁ nityaṁ pūyeyety aṅghri-reṇubhiḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.14.16)

[Bhagavān Śrī Kṛṣṇa:] “I always follow one who is indifferent, contemplative, peaceful, free from enmity, and of equal vision so that I may be purified by the dust of his feet.”

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