यदैवमेतेन विवेकहेतिना
मायामयाहङ्करणात्मबन्धनम् ।
तमाहुरात्यन्तिकमङ्ग सम्प्लवम् ॥

yadaivam etena viveka-hetinā
māyāmayāhaṅkaraṇātma-bandhanam |
tam āhur ātyantikam aṅga samplavam ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 12.4.34; cited in Paramātma Sandarbha: 84)

“O King! When in this way the ātma’s [i.e., the self’s] bondage—the notion of ‘I’ constituted of māyā—is cut away with the sword of discernment and one is situated in unwavering experience of the Ātmā, then that is called absolute dissolution [i.e., mukti].”


Acyutātmānubhavo (acyuta-ātma-anubhavaḥ) is read to mean (1) “complete experience of the ātmā” (acyutaṁ paripūrṇam ātmānam anubhavati) by Śrīdhara Svāmī, (2) “experience of the Paramātmā, who is known as Acyuta” (acyute’cyuta-nāmny ātmani paramātmany anubhavo; acyutākhye ātmani paramātmani anubhavo) by Jīva Gosvāmī, and (3) “fully fixed meditation of the mind upon Bhagavān” (acyute bhagavati ātmano manaso’nubhavaḥ sudṛḍha-dhyānam) or [with respect to the path of yoga] “experience of the complete Brahman” (acyutātmānubhavaḥ pūrṇa-brahmānubhavaḥ) by Viśvanātha Cakravartī.


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