यदुभे चित्तकाठिन्यहेतू प्रायः सतां मते ।
सुकुमारस्वभावेयं भक्तिस्तद्धेतुरीरिता ॥

yad ubhe citta-kāṭhinya-hetū prāyaḥ satāṁ mate |
sukumāra-svabhāveyaṁ bhaktis tad-dhetur īritā ||
(Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 1.2.249)

“Because in the view of sādhus both [i.e., jñāna and vairāgya] are generally causes of hardness of heart, bhakti, which is very tender by nature, is said to be its own cause.”


sukumāra-svabhāveyam iti śrī-bhagavan-madhura-rūpa-guṇādi-bhāvanā-mayatvād iti | tasmād bhagavati nija-cittasya sārdratāṁ kartum icchunā bhaktir eva kāryeti bhāvaḥ |
(Excerpt from the Durgama-saṅgamanī-ṭikā and Bhakti-sāra-pradarśinī-ṭīkā)

“[Bhakti is] ‘Very tender by nature‘ [is said] because it consists of contemplation (bhāvanā) of the sweet forms, qualities, and so forth of Śrī Bhagavān. Therefore, only bhakti should be performed by those who desire to make their own hearts melted for Bhagavān. This is the purport.”


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