सा श्रद्दधानस्य विवर्धमाना
विरक्तिमन्यत्र करोति पुंस: ।
हरे: पदानुस्मृतिनिर्वृतस्य
समस्तदु:खाप्ययमाशु धत्ते ॥
sā śraddadhānasya vivardhamānā
viraktim anyatra karoti puṁsaḥ |
hareḥ padānusmṛti-nirvṛtasya
samasta-duḥkhāpyayam āśu dhatte ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 3.5.13)
“That [i.e., inclination (mati), meaning, taste, for discussion of Hari], upon flourishing, produces disinterest for all else in a person endowed with śraddhā. The dissolution of all suffering of one who is delighted by continuous remembrance of Hari’s feet is quickly effected.”
Śrī Viśvanātha Cakravartīpāda comments that a person being ‘endowed with śraddhā’ (śraddadhānasya) refers to a pure bhakta who has conviction [in discussion of Hari] by virtue of [having] the mentality that the supreme object of a living being (parama-puruṣārtha) is present [i.e., is attainable] only in discussion of Hari (śraddadhānasya hari-kathāyām eva parama-puruṣārtha-buddhyā viśvasataḥ śuddha-bhaktasya). ‘For all else’ (anyatra) refers to dharma, artha, kāma, and mokṣa (anyatra dharmārtha-kāma-mokṣeṣu), that is, the four conventional puruṣārthas. Śrī Cakravartīpāda also raises and addresses a potential query:
nanu kathaṁ mokṣe’pi viraktiṁ cet karoti tataḥ kathaṁ nirvṛtiḥ saṁsāra-duḥkha-nāśo vā ? tatrāha—hareḥ padayor anusmṛtiḥ pratikṣaṇam eva mādhuryānubhūtis tayaiva nirvṛtasya labdha-paramānandasya puṁsaḥ samasta-duḥkho yaḥ saṁsāras tasyāpi apyayaṁ nāśaṁ tatrāpi āśu śīghram eva |
(Excerpt from the Sārārtha-darśinī-ṭīkā)
“‘Well, if it [i.e., taste for Hari-kathā] produces disinterest even in mokṣa, then how does it produce delight or the destruction of the suffering of saṁsāra?’ [In response] To this, Śrī Vidura says, ‘Dissolution (apyayam), that is, destruction, of all the suffering, that is, even [that] of saṁsāra, of a person who is delighted, that is, who has attained the highest bliss, solely by remembrance at every moment of Hari’s feet, that is, solely by experience of [Hari’s] sweetness (mādhurya), [is effected], and therein, indeed quickly (āśu) [is so].”