रञ्जनं तत्साधनं वा रागः । नेह—रजत्यस्मिन्रङ्गः ।
rañjanaṁ tat-sādhanaṁ vā rāgaḥ | neha—rajaty asmin raṅgaḥ |
(Vṛtti on Hari-nāmāmṛta-vyākaraṇa: 1619)
“[The word] Rāga [made from the dhātu rañj and the pratyāya [gh]a[ṇ]] means rañjana [i.e., coloring, the act of being colored; alt., delighting; alt., desire, attachment, love, or beauty] or a means thereof [i.e., dye, that by which something becomes colored]. Not here [is the operation described in the sūtra applied]: raṅga [thus] means that wherein one delights [i.e., a theater, a stage, etc.].”