कामं भव: स्ववृजिनैर्निरयेषु न: स्ता-
च्चेतोऽलिवद्यदि नु ते पदयो रमेत ।
वाचश्च नस्तुलसिवद्यदि तेऽङ्घ्रि शोभा:
पूर्येत ते गुणगणैर्यदि कर्णरन्ध्र: ॥

kāmaṁ bhavaḥ sva-vṛjinair nirayeṣu naḥ stāc
ceto’livad yadi nu te padayo rameta |
vācaś ca nas tulasivad yadi te’ṅghri-śobhāḥ
pūryeta te guṇa-gaṇair yadi karṇa-randhraḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 3.15.49; cited in Bhagavat Sandarbha: 68, Bhakti Sandarbha: 266, Prīti Sandarbha: 7, 16, 92)

“[The Kumāras to Śrī Bhagavān:] At will let our birth occur in hells as a result of our own wrongful actions if [there] our minds may enjoy in your feet like bees, if our speech may be endowed with the beauty of your feet like tulasī, and if the holes of our ears may be filled with [praise of] your qualities.”


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