अहो मायाबलं विष्णो: स्नेहबद्धमिदं जगत् ॥
क्व देहो भौतिकोऽनात्मा क्व चात्मा प्रकृते: पर: ।
कस्य के पतिपुत्राद्या मोह एव हि कारणम् ॥
aho māyābalaṁ viṣṇoḥ sneha-baddham idaṁ jagat ||
kva deho bhautiko’nātmā kva cātmā prakṛteḥ paraḥ |
kasya ke pati-putrādyā moha eva hi kāraṇam ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 8.16.18–19)
“[Kaśyapa Muni, slightly smiling melancholically, speaks to Aditi:] Aho! This world is bound by affection, the power of Viṣṇu’s māyā! Where is the non-self, the body made of the [material] elements? And where is the self (ātmā) distinct from prakṛti? Who is whose husband, son, and so on? Delusion (moha) is the only cause [of considering anyone to be one’s own relative or oneself to be anyone else’s relative].”