एते न वैकुण्ठनिवासिपार्षदा
नो वानरास्ते न च यादवा अपि ।
गोलोकलोका भवदेकजीवना
नश्यन्त्यशक्या भगवन्मयावितुम् ॥

ete na vaikuṇṭha-nivāsi-pārṣadā
no vānarās te na ca yādavā api |
goloka-lokā bhavad-eka-jīvanā
naśyanty aśakyā bhagavan mayāvitum ||
(Bṛhad Bhāgavatāmṛta: 2.7.238)

“[Śrī Baladeva appeals to Śrī Kṛṣṇa as he remains bound within the coils of the serpent Kālīya:] These are neither associates residing in Vaikuṇṭha, nor the forest monkeys, nor even the Yādavas. The people of Goloka, they whose life is you alone, are dying, and are unable to be saved by me, O Bhagavān!”


Śrī Sanātana Gosvāmīpāda explains that “these” (ete) refers to Śrī Nanda and his fellows residents of Vraja, “associates residing in Vaikuṇṭha” (Vvaikuṇṭha-nivāsi-pārṣadā) refers to those such as Garuḍa, “forest monkeys” (vānarāḥ) refers to Hanumān and others residing in Ayodhyā, and “Yādavas” (Yādavāḥ) refers to Uddhava and others residing in Dvārakā. Śrī Gosvāmīpāda clarifies the line of thought in the remainder of the verse as follows: “Then who [are they]? [They are] The people (lokāh) of Goloka. Thus, they are they whose life is verily you alone, and therefore, they are unable to be saved (āvitum) by me. [Moreover,] They are dying (nāśyanti) [as they observe you on the verge of death in the coils of Kālīya]” (kiṁ tarhi? golokasya lokā janāḥ, ato bhavān evaiko jīvanaṁ yeṣāṁ te, ata eva mayā avituṁ nāśato rakṣitum aśakyā, naśyanti mriyante).

Śrī Gosvāmīpāda also elaborates on the meaning of the verse as follows:

vaikuṇṭha-pārṣadādayas te bhavad-virahādikam api soḍhuṁ śaknuvanti, tvadīya-prabhāva-viśeṣaṁ sadaivānusandadhate, ato mayāpi prabodhya rakṣitāḥ syuḥ | ete tu parama-prema-bharopahata-cittā vigatānusandhānāḥ kṣaṇam api tvadīya-vicchedam apy asahamānāḥ katham īdṛśīṁ te daśāṁ saheran? ato mriyanta eveti bhāvaḥ |

“Associates [of yours] in Vaikuṇṭha and so forth [i.e., as well as in Ayodhyā and in Dvārakā] are able to tolerate even separation and so forth from you; [when faced with separation from you,] they verily always reflect upon a special form of your majesty. Thus, they are able to be advised and protected even by me [when they are confronted with having to tolerate separation from you]. But how shall these [people of Goloka]—whose hearts are burdened by a heavy load of superlative prema [for you], who are [thus] devoid of reflection [on your majesty], and who are [therefore] unable to tolerate even parting from you for even a moment—tolerate such a condition of yours [i.e., this situation in which you appear to be on the verge of death in the coils of Kālīya]? Therefore, they are actually dying. [So, please arise from the clutches of Kālīya, defeat him, and thus rescue all the residents of Vraja from the verge of death!] This is the purport.”


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