अयं स्वस्त्ययनः पन्था द्विजातेर्गृहमेधिनः ।
यच्छ्रद्धयाप्तवित्तेन शुक्लेनेज्येत पूरुषः ॥
ayaṁ svasty-ayanaḥ panthā dvijāter gṛha-medhinaḥ |
yac chraddhayāpta-vittena śuklenejyeta pūruṣaḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 10.84.37)
“This path whereby the Puruṣa [i.e., Śrī Bhagavān] shall be worshiped with śraddhā by means of purely obtained wealth is auspicious for a twice-born householder.”
tyāgasyāśakyatvād ity āśayenāhuḥ—ayam iti … | … śraddhayā niṣkāmatayā śuklena śuddhenāptena vittena puruṣa īśvara ijyeteti yad eṣa panthāḥ |
(Excerpt from the Bhāvārtha-dīpikā)
“With an intention based on [people] being incapable of renunciation (tyāga), they [i.e., the sages assembled at Kurukṣetra from whom Vasudeva has inquired] speak this verse (ayam …). … This path whereby the Puruṣa, meaning, Īśvara, shall be worshiped with śraddhā, that is, with desirelessness (niṣkāmatā), by means of purely (śuklena) obtained wealth [is auspicious].”
ayam ity-ādi-svasty-ayanaḥ gārhasthyāśramasya vittasya bhagavat-samarpaṇa-rūpayā prapattyā mat-prasādāt dvijāter traivarṇikasya anyasyānadhikārāt āptena sva-pravṛttyā labdhena nyāyārjitena ity arthaḥ | … nanu puruṣejyaiva cet kartavyā tarhi mukhya-nava-vidha-bhakty-aṅgena paricaryā-mārgeṇārcana-mārgeṇaiva vā sa ijyeta kiṁ gauṇa-bhakty-aṅgena yajñādinā tatrāhuḥ—gṛha-medhinaḥ gārhasthya-dharmāgrahavataḥ ity arthaḥ | tac ca samyak śraddhatvābhāvāt loka-saṅgrahāgradveti jñeyam |
(Excerpt from the Laghu Vaiṣṇava-toṣaṇī-ṭīkā)
“This is auspicious for a householder who is twice-born, that is, a member of the three varṇas [i.e., brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas, and vaiśyas], because of the absence of the eligibility (adhikāra) of others [for performance of acts of sacrifice (yajñā) and so forth]: [worship of the Puruṣa] with surrender (prapatti) in the form of an offering to Bhagavān of wealth obtained by means of one’s profession, that is, justly earned. This is the meaning. … [An objection is raised:] ‘Well, if worship of the Puruṣa is the activity to be performed, then one should worship [him] with the nine primary limbs of bhakti, in accord with the path of attendance (paricaryā), or, just in accord with the path of worship (arcana). Why [should one do so] by means of secondary limbs of bhakti such as sacrifice (yajña)? To that, they say, ‘For a householder’ (gṛha-medinaḥ), meaning, for one possessed of eagerness for the dharma of a householder. That, furthermore, is [advised for such a person] because of a lack of complete śraddhā, or, for the sake of social cohesion. This is to be understood.”
gṛha-medhinaḥ gārhasthya-dharmāgrahavata ity arthaḥ | bhagavad-arcādi-śraddhāvatāṁ tu tad eva parama-śreya iti bhāvaḥ |
“‘For a householder’ (gṛha-medinaḥ) means for one possessed of eagerness for the dharma of a householder. For one possessed of śraddhā in worship and so forth of Bhagavān, that itself is the highest auspiciousness. This is the purport.”
dvijātes traivarṇikasya āpta-vittena nyāya-prāpta-dhanena śuddhena |
“‘For a twice-born’ means for a member of the three varṇas [i.e., brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas, and vaiśyas], and ‘with purely obtained wealth’ means with justly acquired wealth.”