अहो लौकिकसद्बन्धुभावं च स्तौमि येन हि ।
गौरवादेर्विलोपेन कृष्णे सत्प्रेम तन्यते ॥

aho laukika-sad-bandhu-bhāvaṁ ca staumi yena hi |
gauravāder vilopena kṛṣṇe sat-prema tanyate ||
(Bṛhad Bhāgavatāmṛta: 2.5.76)

“[Śrī Nārada along with Uddhava to Gopa Kumāra:] Aho! And certainly I praise that attitude (bhāva) [on the part of bhaktas] of [Bhagavān Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s being] an excellent worldly kinsman by which excellent prema for Kṛṣṇa is expanded as a result of the removal of reverence and so forth [in regard to him].”


An excerpt from Śrī Sanātana Gosvāmīpāda commentary on this verse is as follows,

nanu paramaiśvarya-viśeṣa-prakaṭanād eva tadīya-māhātmya-viśeṣa-jñānena premodreko jāyate, na ca putrādi-dṛṣṭyā laukika-bandhu-bhāvena | viśeṣataḥ parameśvare tathā dṛṣṭis tu doṣa eva, yathoktaṁ śrī-vasudevena bhagavat-stutau daśama-skandhe—tat te gato …, tathā viṣṇu-purāṇe’pi—sāpahnavaṁ … | … tatrāha—laukike lokānusāriṇi sad-bandhau parama-bāndhave iva bhāvaṁ kṛṣṇe citta-vṛttiṁ vyavahāraṁ vā, yena bhāvena śrī-kṛṣṇe sat utkṛṣṭaṁ prema tanyate vistāryate | katham? gauravāder vilopena nirasanena | ādi-śabdād bhayāviśvāsādi | gauravādeḥ prema-hānikaratvāt | … ataḥ paramāpekṣitasya bhagavati premātiśayasya yathā vṛddhiḥ syāt, tathācaraṇam evocitaṁ, guṇaś ceti bhāvaḥ |

“[An objection is raised:] Well, an abundance of prema arises as a result of awareness of a special form of his [i.e., Śrī Bhagavān’s] greatness solely because of a manifestation of a special form of his paramount aiśvarya, and not rather, as a result of the bhāva [i.e., attitude] of [him being] a worldly kinsman (bandhu) based on vision of [him being] a son or otherwise. In particular, such vision in regard to the Supreme Īśvara [i.e., the attitude of him being a worldly kinsman, such a son, or friend, or lover], rather, is verily a fault, as [is] stated by Śrī Vasudeva in the Tenth Canto in [his] praising of Bhagavān [in SB 10.85.19], tat te gato …, and also in Viṣṇu Purāṇa [5.20.99], sāpahnavaṁ …. To this [i.e., to refute the idea that the bhāva of considering Śrī Bhagavān to be an excellent kinsman who follows in some respects the ways of the world is a fault and is not a cause of an abundance of prema manifesting], he [i.e., Śrī Nārada] says [I praise] that bhāva, meaning, attitude (citta-vṛttim), or, behavior (vyavahāram), in relation to Śrī Kṛṣṇa, who is [regarded] like an excellent kinsman (sad-bandhu), that is, a great kinsman (parama-bāndhava), following [generally speaking, the character of the people in] the world—[that] bhāva by which excellent (sat) prema for Śrī Kṛṣṇa is expanded (tanyate). How [is prema expanded by this bhāva]? As a result of the removal (vilopena) of reverence and so forth. ‘And so forth’ (ādi) refers to fear, an absence of faith, and the like, because of reverence and so forth’s being detrimental to prema [i.e., prema cannot fully manifest when a bhakta feels fear, reverence, and other sentiments in relation to Śrī Bhagavān that contract the heart, and thus only when a bhakta has the mentality that Śrī Bhagavān is like a worldly kinsman can a bhakta relate with Śrī Bhagavān in a manner that is free from fear, reverence, and so forth, and thus experience a full manifestation of prema for Śrī Bhagavān within the heart]. … Therefore, only such action as a result of which an increase of an exceedance of prema for Bhagavān—[prema] which is supremely regarded [by bhaktas, as aforementioned in BB 2.5.72–73, i.e., only action that leads to an increase in prema, which is regarded by bhaktas as their sole and ultimate aim], is rightful [i.e., fit to be performed] and a quality [i.e., praiseworthy]. This is the purport.”


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