अहो अलं कौतुकमेतदीक्ष्यते
यथैष विक्रीडति मर्त्यलोकगः ।
तथैव वैकुण्ठपदोपरि स्थितो
निजप्रियानां परितोषहेतवे ॥

aho alaṁ kautukam etad īkṣyate
yathaiṣa vikrīḍati martya-loka-gaḥ |
tathaiva vaikuṇṭha-padopari sthito
nija-priyānāṁ paritoṣa-hetave ||
(Bṛhad Bhāgavatāmṛta: 2.5.70)

“[Śrī Nārada along with Uddhava to Gopa Kumāra:] Aho! This great delight is seen: as he [i.e., Bhagavān Śrī Kṛṣṇa] sports situated in the mortal plane [i.e., in the Dvārakā on Earth], so exactly does he [sport here in the Dvārakā] situated above the domain of Vaikuṇṭha for the sake of the complete satisfaction of his dear ones.”


Śrī Sanātana Gosvāmīpāda comments that “his dear ones” (nija-priyānāṁ) refers to those who are completely one-pointed (paramaikāntinām) upon him and that Śrī Bhagavān sports with them in the Dvārakā that manifests on Earth just as he does in the Dvārakā above Vaikuṇṭha because bliss that is fully satisfying to the minds of such bhaktas who are profoundly endowed with one-pointed fixity upon him would not manifest otherwise (anyathā tad-eka-niṣṭhātiśaya-prāptānāṁ manaḥ-paritarpaka-sukhānudayāt), meaning, Śrī Bhagavān verily acts for the satisfaction of his bhaktas who are dedicated in full to his own satisfaction, and because his bhaktas who participate in his līlā in the Dvārakā on earth would not be fully satisfied if his līlā in the Dvārakā in Vaikuṇṭha were different from that, he ensures that his līlā in the Dvārakā in Vaikuṇṭha is no different from the līlā he performs in the Dvārakā that manifests on Earth.


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