अहो भगवतो लीलामाधुर्यमहिमाद्भुतः ।
तदेकनिष्ठागाम्भीर्यं सेवकानां च तादृशम् ॥

aho bhagavato līlā-mādhurya-mahimādbhutaḥ |
tad-eka-niṣṭhā-gāmbhīryaṁ sevakānāṁ ca tādṛśam ||
(Bṛhad Bhāgavatāmṛta: 2.5.69)

“[Śrī Nārada along with Uddhava to Gopa Kumāra:] Aho! The wonder of the greatness of the mādhurya of Bhagavān’s līlā! [And] The depth of the one-pointed fixity upon him of his servants is like that as well!”


Śrī Sanātana Gosvāmīpāda comments that the word tādṛśam (read primarily to mean “like that”) can signify that the depth of the one-pointed fixity upon Bhagavān of his servants is also a wonder (adbhutaḥ) as the mādhurya of Bhagavān’s līlā is, or that that word (read alternately to mean “like him”) can signify that the depth of the one-pointed fixity upon Bhagavān of his servants is certainly suitable for and resemblant to Bhagavān himself because of his servants singularly following [i.e., acting in accord with] all his various līlās (tādṛśaṁ adbhutam eva Bhagavad-anurūpam eveti vā sadā tat-tal-līlaikānusāritvāt).


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