यथा वैरानुबन्धेन मर्त्यस्तन्मयतामियात् ।
न तथा भक्तियोगेन इति मे निश्चिता मति: ॥

yathā vairānubandhena martyas tan-mayatām iyāt |
na tathā bhakti-yogena iti me niścitā matiḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 7.1.26)

“[Nārada Ṛṣi to Yudhiṣṭhira Mahārāja:] As a mortal being can attain absorption in him [i.e., Bhagavān] through constant enmity, not so [can one] through bhakti-yoga. This is my certain opinion.”


teṣv api vairānubandhaḥ śreṣṭha ity āha—yatheti | na tathā bhakti-yogena api |

“Even among these [means mentioned in the previous verse], constant enmity is the best. Thus, Nārada speaks this verse (yathā vairānubandhena … ). ‘Not so even through bhakti-yoga’ [is the sense, that is, one cannot through bhakti-yoga attain the intensity of absorption in Bhagavān that one does through constant enmity towards him].”

tad evaṁ sarveṣāṁ tad-āveśa eva phalam iti sthite, jhaṭiti tad-āveśa-siddhaye teṣu bhāva-maya-mārgeṣu ninditenāpi vaireṇa vidhi-mayyā bhakter na sāmyam ity āha—yathā vairānubandhena … | vairānubandheneti bhayasyāpy upalakṣaṇam | yathā śaighryeṇa tan-mayatāṁ tad-āviṣṭatāṁ, bhakti-yogena vihitatva-mātra-buddhyā kriyamāṇena tu na tathā ||
(Krama-sandarbha-ṭīkā; Bhakti Sandarbha: 318)

“Thus, in this way, the result of them all [i.e., of all the bhāvas related to Bhagavān mentioned in previous verse, SB 7.1.25, viz., constant enmity, non-enmity, fear, affection, and amorous desire] is simply absorption (āveśa) in him. When this is the case, then for the sake of quick attainment of absorption in him, among these paths based on bhāva [i.e., an affect in relation to Bhagavān], bhakti based on injunction [i.e., vaidhī-bhakti, which was referred to as ‘non-enmity’ in SB 7.1.25] has no equality with [i.e., is inferior to] even condemned enmity [towards Bhagavān, i.e., vaidhī-bhakti is less effective in quickly producing absorption in Bhagavān than enmity, which is otherwise the most condemned bhāva in relation to Bhagavān]. Thus, Nārada speaks this verse (yathā vairānubandhena … ). … ‘Through constant enmity’ (vairānubandhena) is an indicator (upalakṣaṇa) of fear (bhaya) [which was mentioned in the previous verse] as well. As absorption in him (tan-mayatām) occurs quickly [through constant enmity or fear of Bhagavān], it does not [occur] so [quickly] through bhakti-yoga being performed with the mentality of it simply being enjoined [i.e., bhakti performed solely with the attitude of it being a compulsory act does not produce absorption in Bhagavān nearly as quickly as bhāvas such as constant enmity or fear related to Bhagavān do].”


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