य इह यतन्ति यन्तुमतिलोलमुपायखिद: ।
व्यसनशतान्विता: समवहाय गुरोश्चरणं
वणिज इवाज सन्त्यकृतकर्णधरा जलधौ ॥
vijita-hṛṣīka-vāyubhir adānta-manas turagaṁ
ya iha yatanti yantum atilolam upāya-khidaḥ |
vyasana-śatānvitāḥ samavahāya guroś caraṇaṁ
vaṇija ivāja santy akṛta-karṇadharā jaladhau ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 10.87.33)
“O Unborn One [i.e., Bhagavān], those here [i.e., in the ocean of saṁsāra] who abandon the feet of guru and endeavor to subdue the extremely volatile stallion of the untamed mind [even] with conquered senses and vital airs become afflicted by the method [i.e., by the very method, whatever it may be, they take up to try to tame the mind] and beset with hundreds of adversities, just as merchants who have not procured a helmsman are [so afflicted] at sea.”
गुरुणोपदर्शितभगवद्भजनसुखानुभूतौ तु स्वत एव मनो निश्चलं भवति नान्यथेति भावः ।
guruṇopadarśita-bhagavad-bhajana-sukhānubhūtau tu svata eva mano niścalaṁ bhavati nānyatheti bhāvaḥ |
(Excerpt from the Bhāvārtha-dīpikā)
“But when experience of satisfaction occurs within the worship (bhajana) of Bhagavān taught by guru, then steadiness of mind arises of its own accord, and not otherwise. This is the purport.”
श्रीगुरुप्रदर्शितभगवद्भजनप्रकारेण भगवद्वर्त्मज्ञाने सति तत्कृपया व्यसनानभिभूतौ सत्यां शीघ्रमेव मनो निश्चलं भवतीति भावः ।
śrī-guru-pradarśita-bhagavad-bhajana-prakāreṇa bhagavad-vartma-jñāne sati tat-kṛpayā vyasanānabhibhūtau satyāṁ śīghram eva mano niścalaṁ bhavatīti bhāvaḥ |
(Bhakti Sandarbha: 209)
“When knowledge of the path to Bhagavān arises through the process of bhajana to Bhagavān shown by śrī guru, then by his grace [i.e., the grace of śrī guru] one is no longer overcome by adversity and steadiness of mind quickly comes about. This is the purport.”