तत्रासक्तिकृदन्यत्र प्रीतिसंहारिणी ह्यसौ ।
tatrāsakti-kṛd anyatra prīti-saṁhāriṇī hy asau |
(Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 2.5.28)
“It [i.e., the sthāyi-bhāva known as prīti, that is, dāsya-bhāva] produces attachment to him [i.e., Bhagavān] and completely destroys affection for all else.”
tato’nyatra yadi syāt tadā tat-sambandhenaiva mantavyeti bhāvaḥ |
(Excerpt from the Durgama-saṅgamanī-ṭīkā)
“Therefore, if it [i.e., affection] for anything else should occur, then that is to be considered only because of a relationship with him [i.e., if a bhakta with prīti for Bhagavān is seen to have affection for anything other than Bhagavān, then that should be understood to be because the object for which the bhakta shows affection is related to Bhagavān, that is, is integral to that bhakta’s service to Bhagavān].”