तन्मनस्कास्तदालापास्तद्विचेष्टास्तदात्मिका: ।
तद्गुणानेव गायन्त्यो नात्मागाराणि सस्मरु: ॥

tan-manaskās tad-alāpās tad-viceṣṭās tad-ātmikāḥ |
tad-guṇān eva gāyantyo nātmāgārāṇi sasmaruḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 10.30.43)

“Minds upon him, speaking about him, acting like him, and identifying as him, they sang of his qualities and did not remember their own houses.”


tan-manaskatvenaiva pūrvavad unmādasya māndye tad-ālāpāḥ dṛṣṭo vaḥ kaccid-aśvatthetivat tam ālapantyaḥ | unmādasya madhyatve tad-viceṣṭā kṛṣṇāyanty apibat stanam itivat tac-ceṣṭām anukṛtavatyaḥ | unmādasya prauḍhatve tad-ātmikāḥ kṛṣṇo’haṁ paśyata gatim itivad ātma-vismṛtau tan-mayī-bhūtāḥ | pūrva-saṁskāra-vaśād eva gāyantya uccair amum evetivat tad-guṇān eveti |

“When their unmāda was slight, because of their only having their minds upon him as previously [i.e., their still retaining their own sense of identity while thinking of him], they spoke about him, that is, they spoke as in [SB 10.30.5], ‘O Aśvatthas, have you seen Kṛṣṇa?’ When their unmāda became moderate, they acted like him, that is, they imitated his activities, as in [SB 10.30.15], ‘A gopī acting as Kṛṣṇa drank from the breast [of another gopī acting as Pūtanā].’ When their unmāda became intense, they identified as him, that is, in self-forgetfulness they became absorbed in him [i.e., his identity], as in [SB 10.30.19], ‘I am Kṛṣṇa. See my graceful movement.’ Only under the sway of a previous saṁskāra, they sang, as [described in SB 10.30.4], ‘They sang loudly about him.’”


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