preyāṁs te’haṁ tvam api ca mama preyasīti pravādas
preyāṁs te’haṁ tvam api ca mama preyasīti pravādas
tvaṁ me prāṇā aham api tavāsmīti hanta pralāpaḥ |
tvaṁ me te syām aham iti yat tac ca no sādhu rādhe
vyāhāre nau na hi samucito yuṣmad-asmat-prayogaḥ ||
(Alaṅkāra-kaustubha: 5.27)
“‘[Śrī Kṛṣṇa:] [Our saying,] “I am your lover and you are my beloved” is [just] prattle. Oh! “You are my prāṇas and I am yours” is [just] chatter. O Rādhe! [Even] “You are mine and I am yours” is not correct, since usage [even] of [the words] “you” and “I” in our speech is not befitting.’