सोदाहरणमिति—अत्रोदाहरणानि चतुर्भिः प्रमाणैर्लब्धानि । शास्त्रेण, तत्तात्पर्येण, तदनुसारिमहाजनप्रसिद्ध्या, तत्तदनुसारिसम्भवेन च ।
sodāharaṇam iti—atrodāharaṇāni caturbhiḥ pramāṇair labdhāni | śāstreṇa, tat-tātparyeṇa, tad-anusāri-mahājana-prasiddhyā, tat-tad-anusāri-sambhavena ca |
(Durgama-saṅgamanī-ṭīkā on Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 2.1.44)
“‘With illustration’ here means illustrations attained by four pramāṇas (means of knowing): (1) by śāstra, (2) by its intention (tātparya), (3) by the realization of mahājanas following that [i.e., the śāstra’s intention], and (4) by that which is produced following that [realization] of that [intention of the śāstra].”
sodāharaṇam iti—atrodāharaṇāni caturbhiḥ pramāṇair labdhāni | pramāṇa-catuṣṭayeṣu madhye kutracic chāstrānusāreṇa jñeyam | kutracic chāstra-tātparyeṇa | kutracit tātparyānusāri-mahājana-prasiddhyā, kutracin mahājana-prasiddhy-anusāri-varṇane ca jñeyam |
(Bhakti-sāra-pradarśinī-ṭīkā on Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 2.1.44)
“‘With illustration’ here means illustrations attained by four pramāṇas (means of knowing). Among [these] four pramāṇas, in some cases something is knowable through following śāstra, in some cases something is knowable through the intention (tātparya) of śāstra, in some cases through the realization of mahājanas following the intention (tātparya) [of śāstra], and in some case through descriptions following the realization of mahājanas.”