नृपो न हरिसेविता व्ययकृती न हर्यर्पकः
कविर्न हरिवर्णकः श्रितगुरुर्न हर्याश्रितः ।
गुणी न हरितत्परः सरलधीर्न कृष्णाश्रयः
स न व्रजरमानुगः स्वहृदि सप्त शल्यानि मे ॥
nṛpo na hari-sevitā vyaya-kṛtī na hary-arpakaḥ
kavir na hari-varṇakaḥ śrita-gurur na hary-āśritaḥ |
guṇī na hari-tatparaḥ sarala-dhīr na kṛṣṇāśrayaḥ
sa na vraja-ramānugaḥ sva-hṛdi sapta-śalyāni me ||
(Gopāla-campū: 1.33.178)
“A king who is not a servant of Hari,
A spender who is not an offerer to Hari,
A poet who is not a narrator of Hari,
A disciple of a guru who is not sheltered in Hari,
A virtuous person who is not devoted to Hari,
A simple [alt., sincere, unpretentious] person who is not sheltered in Hari,
And he [i.e., one who is sheltered in Hari] who is not a follower of the beautiful ladies of Vraja—
[These seven types of persons] Are seven spears in my own heart.”