
nṛpo na hari-sevitā vyaya-kṛtī na hary-arpakaḥ

nṛpo na hari-sevitā vyaya-kṛtī na hary-arpakaḥ
kavir na hari-varṇakaḥ śrita-gurur na hary-āśritaḥ |
guṇī na hari-tatparaḥ sarala-dhīr na kṛṣṇāśrayaḥ
sa na vraja-ramānugaḥ sva-hṛdi sapta-śalyāni me ||
(Gopāla-campū: 1.33.178)

“A king who is not a servant of Hari,

A spender who is not an offerer to Hari,

A poet who is not a narrator of Hari,

A disciple of a guru who is not sheltered in Hari,

A virtuous person who is not devoted to Hari,

A simple [alt., sincere, unpretentious] person who is not sheltered in Hari,

And he [i.e., one who is sheltered in Hari] who is not a follower of the beautiful ladies of Vraja—

[These seven types of persons] Are seven spears in my own heart.”

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nṛpo na hari-sevitā vyaya-kṛtī na hary-arpakaḥ Read on →

varaṁ na rājyaṁ na kurāja-rājyaṁ

varaṁ na rājyaṁ na kurāja-rājyaṁ
varaṁ na mitraṁ na kumitra-mitram |
varaṁ na śiṣyo na kuśiṣya-śiṣyo
varaṁ na dārā na kudāra-dāraḥ ||
(Cāṇakya-nīti-darpaṇa: 6.13)

“Better no kingdom than a kingdom with a bad king. Better no friend than a friend who is a bad friend. Better no disciple than a disciple who is a bad disciple. Better no wife than a wife who is a bad wife.”

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varaṁ na rājyaṁ na kurāja-rājyaṁ Read on →

yo vakti nyāya-rahitam anyāyena śṛṇoti yaḥ

yo vakti nyāya-rahitam anyāyena śṛṇoti yaḥ |
tāv ubhau narakaṁ ghoraṁ vrajataḥ kālam akṣayam ||
(Nārada Pañcarātra; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 1.101; Bhakti Sandarbha: 238)

“Both one who speaks devoid of rule [i.e., without adherence to śāstra] and one who listens devoid of rule [i.e., without adherence to śāstra] proceed to a dark hell for unlimited time.”

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yo vakti nyāya-rahitam anyāyena śṛṇoti yaḥ Read on →

śṛṇuṣvāvahito rājann api guhyaṁ vadāmi te

śṛṇuṣvāvahito rājann api guhyaṁ vadāmi te |
brūyuḥ snigdhasya śiṣyasya guravo guhyam apy uta ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 10.13.3)

[Śukadeva Gosvāmī to Parīkṣit Mahārāja:] “O King, listen attentively. Although it [i.e., the answer to your question] is a secret, I will tell you [this], for gurus may indeed speak even secrets before a devout disciple.”

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śṛṇuṣvāvahito rājann api guhyaṁ vadāmi te Read on →

śṛṇuṣvāvahito rājann

śṛṇuṣvāvahito rājann api guhyaṁ vadāmi te |
brūyuḥ snigdhasya śiṣyasya guravo guhyam apy uta ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 10.13.3)

[Śukadeva Gosvāmī to Parīkṣit Mahārāja:] “O King, listen attentively. Although it [i.e., the answer to your question] is a secret, I will tell you [this], for gurus may indeed speak even secrets before a devout disciple.”

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śṛṇuṣvāvahito rājann Read on →

oṁ saha nāv avatu

oṁ saha nāv avatu |
saha nau bhunaktu |
saha vīryaṁ karavāvahai |
tejasvi nāv adhītam astu mā vidviṣāvahai |
oṁ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ ||
(Taittirīya Upaniṣad: Brahmānanda-vallī, 1)

“Om. May we together be protected,
May we together be nourished.
May we work together with vigor.
May our study be illuminating.
May we not be inimical.
Om. Peace. Peace. Peace.”

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oṁ saha nāv avatu Read on →

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