नन्वर्थकोविदा ब्रह्मन् वर्णाश्रमवतामिह ।
ये मया गुरुणा वाचा तरन्त्यञ्जो भवार्णवम् ॥ 

nanv artha-kovidā brahman varṇāśrama-vatām iha |
ye mayā guruṇā vācā taranty añjo bhavārṇavam ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 10.80.33)

[Kṛṣṇa to Sudāmā:] “Amongst those adherent to [their] varṇa and āśrama here [i.e., in human life], O brāhmaṇa, certainly those who easily cross over the ocean of material existence by way of my, that is, guru’s, words are adept in attainment.”


jñāna-pradaṁ guru-rūpaṁ mām āśritya ye saṁsāraṁ taranti te buddhimanta ity āha—nanv iti | … jñāna-pradād guror adhikaḥ sevyo nāstīty uktam ||
(Excerpt from the Bhāvārtha-dīpikā)

“Those who take shelter of me in the form of guru, the giver of knowledge, and cross over saṁsāra are intelligent. Thus this verse is spoken (nanu …). … There is no one worthy of being served more so than the guru, the giver of knowledge.”

ye mayā mad-rūpeṇa mat-tattvopadeṣṭā guruṇā vācā man-mantropadeśa-mātreṇaiva … ||
(Excerpt from the Sārārtha-darśinī-ṭīkā)

“‘By way of my, that is, guru’s, words,’ means just by the mantra and instructions of the guru, the teacher of my tattva, who is a form of myself.”


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