मृगतृष्णां यथा बाला मन्यन्त उदकाशयम् ।
एवं वैकारिकीं मायामयुक्ता वस्तु चक्षते ॥

mṛga-tṛṣṇāṁ yathā bālā manyanta udakāśayam |
evaṁ vaikārikīṁ māyām ayuktā vastu cakṣate ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 10.73.11)

“As the childish [i.e, the unintelligent] consider a mirage to be a reservoir of water, so the inattentive [i.e., the undiscerning] see transformed māyā [i.e., māyā in its state of being transformed into the manifest elements of sound, touch, sight, and so on] to be a reality.”


rājyādi-sampadaḥ khalu sampada eva na bhavanti … ayuktā avivekinaḥ … yathā mṛga-tṛṣṇāyāṁ teja eva udakaṁ paśyanti tathaiva bhoga-sampattau duḥkham eva sukhaṁ paśyantīty arthaḥ|
(Excerpt from the Sārārtha-darśinī-ṭīkā)

“The fortune of a kingdom and so on is never an actual fortune. … As the inattentive, that is, the undiscerning, … see in a mirage heat to be water, so in the midst of resources for sustenance they see suffering to be satisfaction.”


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