कामादीनां कति न कतिधा पालिता दुर्निदेशा-
स्तेषां जाता मयि न करुणा न त्रपा नोपशान्तिः ।
उत्सृज्यैतानथ यदुपते साम्प्रतं लब्धबुद्धि-
स्त्वामायातः शरणमभयं मां नियुङ्क्ष्वात्मदास्ये ॥
kāmādīnāṁ kati na katidhā pālitā durnideśās
teṣāṁ jātā mayi na karuṇā na trapā nopaśāntiḥ |
utsṛjyaitān atha yadu-pate sāmprataṁ labdha-buddhis
tvām āyātaḥ śaraṇam abhayaṁ māṁ niyuṅkṣvātma-dāsye ||
(Aparādha-bhañjana; cited in Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 3.2.35; Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 2.22.16)
“I have obeyed the wicked dictates of kāma and so forth for so long and in so many ways! Yet they have never taken pity upon me, and I have never felt any shame or satisfaction! O Lord of the Yadus, at last I have abandoned them and attained proper understanding: I have taken shelter in you, the Abode of fearlessness. Please engage me in your service.”