अथ विश्वेश विश्वात्मन् विश्वमूर्ते स्वकेषु मे ।
स्‍नेहपाशमिमं छिन्धि द‍ृढं पाण्डुषु वृष्णिषु ॥
त्वयि मेऽनन्यविषया मतिर्मधुपतेऽसकृत् ।
रतिमुद्वहतादद्धा गङ्गेवौघमुदन्वति ॥

atha viśveśa viśvātman viśva-mūrte svakeṣu me |
sneha-pāśam imaṁ chindhi dṛḍhaṁ pāṇḍuṣu vṛṣṇiṣu ||
tvayi me’nanya-viṣayā matir madhu-pate’sakṛt |
ratim udvahatād addhā gaṅgevaugham udanvati ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 1.8.41–42)

[Kuntī Devī to Śrī Kṛṣṇa:] “Now, O Lord of the universe, O Giver of consciousness to the universe, O Form of the universe, please cut these strong bonds of affection of mine for my relatives, the Pāṇḍavas and Vṛṣṇis [i.e., not my affection for them based on their endearment to you, but that affection which is based on bodily relationships and causes bondage; you are always attentive to their welfare, so why should I unnecessarily spend my life worrying about them?] O Madhupati, may my mind, having no other object [i.e., no thought of anything except you and your bhaktas], continuously [i.e., without cessation, or, without regard for obstacles] carry forth rati for you, just as the Gaṅgā carries forth its stream [i.e., its water, towards the ocean, disregarding all obstacles in its path].”


gamane pāṇḍavānām akuśalam agamane ca yādavānām ity ubhayato vyākula-cittā satī teṣu sneha-nivṛttiṁ prārthayate—atheti | viśveśety-ādi-sambodhanāni sneha-pāśa-cchede sāmarthya-khyāpanāya | dṛḍhaṁ santam |tataḥ kim ata āha—tvayīti | ananya-viṣayā satī me matiḥ ratim udvahatāt | anavacchinnāṁ prītiṁ karotv ity arthaḥ | oghaṁ pūram | yathā gaṅgā pratibandhaṁ na gaṇayaty evaṁ matir api vighnān mā gaṇayatv iti bhāvaḥ |

“If you go [back to Dvārakā], it will be unpleasant for the Pāṇḍavas, and if you do not go [back to Dvārakā], [it will be unpleasant] for the Yādavas. Being in this way of agitated heart for the sake of both [the Pāṇḍavas and Yādavas], she prays for the cessation of [her] affection for [all of] them: atha … [i.e., she speaks SB 1.8.41]. The vocatives, ‘O Lord of the universe’ and so forth are [stated] for the sake of declaring [Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s] capability in regard to cutting away bonds of affection, which are strong. ‘Then what [do you want]?’ [Śrī Kṛṣṇa may ask after she requests that these bonds of affection be cut away]. Thus, she says tvayi … [i.e., she speaks SB 1.8.42]. May my mind, having no other object [but you], carry forth rati [for you]. May it foster prīti [for you] continuously is the meaning. ‘Stream’ (ogham) means flow of water. As the Gaṅgā does not consider obstacles, so may my mind too not consider any obstructions. This is the purport.”


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