

sphurad-ratna-śreṇī-cita-taṭa-sutīrthāvali-yutām |
harer gaurāṅgasyātula-caraṇa-reṇūkṣita-tanuṁ
samudyat-premormi-tumula-hari-saṅkīrtana-rasaiḥ ||
prabhu-krīḍā-pātrīm amṛta-rasa-gātrīm ṛṣi-ghaṭā-
śiva-brahmendrādīḍita-māhātmya-mukharām |
ahaṁ vande gaṅgām agha-nikara-bhaṅgā-jala-kaṇām ||
(Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 1.14)

“Pervaded by the fragrance
Of the myriads of gardens throughout Navadvīpa,
Furnished along its banks with the fine ghats inlaid with shining jewels,
Sprinkled with the dust from the incomparable feet of Gaurāṅga Hari,
Swelling with waves of prema and the rasas of tumultuous Hari-saṅkīrtana,
A repository of Prabhu’s play,
A body of nectar (amṛta-rasa),
Praised and glorified by the ṛṣis, Śiva, Brahmā, Indra, and others,
Resplendent with whorls of lotus flowers full of bees,
And abundantly gracious—
I offer obeisance to the Gaṅgā,
One drop of whose water
Dispels heaps of sin.”

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navadvīpārāma-prakara-kusumāmoda-valitāṁ Read on →


mad-guṇa-śruti-mātreṇa mayi sarva-guhāśaye |
mano-gatir avicchinnā yathā gaṅgāmbhaso’mbudhau ||
lakṣaṇaṁ bhakti-yogasya nirguṇasya hy udāhṛtam |
ahaituky avyavahitā yā bhaktiḥ puruṣottame ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 3.29.11–12; cited in Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 1.2.13–15; Bhakti Sandarbha: 234)

“‘[Kapiladeva to Devahūti:] Bhakti which is an uninterrupted, causeless, and unobstructed flow of the mind—solely because of hearing my qualities—towards me, the Supreme Person, who dwells in the hearts [lit., “caves”] of all, like [the flow of] the water of the Gaṅgā towards the ocean, is said to be the characteristic of nirguṇa-bhakti-yoga.”

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mad-guṇa-śruti-mātreṇa Read on →

jananī janma-bhūmiś

jananī janma-bhūmiś ca jāhnavī ca janārdanaḥ |
janakaḥ pañcamaś caiva ja-kārāḥ pañca-durlabhāḥ ||
(Unknown source)

“Mother (jananī), the land of one’s birth (janma-bhūmi), the Ganges (Jāhnavī), Janārdana [i.e., Bhagavān], and fifthly, Father (janaka)—these five j’s are most precious to attain.”

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atha viśveśa viśvātman

atha viśveśa viśvātman viśva-mūrte svakeṣu me |
sneha-pāśam imaṁ chindhi dṛḍhaṁ pāṇḍuṣu vṛṣṇiṣu ||
tvayi me’nanya-viṣayā matir madhu-pate’sakṛt |
ratim udvahatād addhā gaṅgevaugham udanvati ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 1.8.41–42)

[Kuntī Devī to Śrī Kṛṣṇa:] “Now, O Lord of the universe, O Giver of consciousness to the universe, O Form of the universe, please cut these strong bonds of affection of mine for my relatives, the Pāṇḍavas and Vṛṣṇis [i.e., not my affection for them based on their endearment to you, but that affection which is based on bodily relationships and causes bondage; you are always attentive to their welfare, so why should I unnecessarily spend my life worrying about them?] O Madhupati, may my mind, having no other object [i.e., no thought of anything except you and your bhaktas], continuously [i.e., without cessation, or, without regard for obstacles] carry rati for you, just as the Gaṅgā carries its stream [i.e., its water to the ocean, disregarding all obstacles in its path].”

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