sphurad-ratna-śreṇī-cita-taṭa-sutīrthāvali-yutām |
harer gaurāṅgasyātula-caraṇa-reṇūkṣita-tanuṁ
samudyat-premormi-tumula-hari-saṅkīrtana-rasaiḥ ||
prabhu-krīḍā-pātrīm amṛta-rasa-gātrīm ṛṣi-ghaṭā-
śiva-brahmendrādīḍita-māhātmya-mukharām |
ahaṁ vande gaṅgām agha-nikara-bhaṅgā-jala-kaṇām ||
(Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 1.14)
“Pervaded by the fragrance
Of the myriads of gardens throughout Navadvīpa,
Furnished along its banks with the fine ghats inlaid with shining jewels,
Sprinkled with the dust from the incomparable feet of Gaurāṅga Hari,
Swelling with waves of prema and the rasas of tumultuous Hari-saṅkīrtana,
A repository of Prabhu’s play,
A body of nectar (amṛta-rasa),
Praised and glorified by the ṛṣis, Śiva, Brahmā, Indra, and others,
Resplendent with whorls of lotus flowers full of bees,
And abundantly gracious—
I offer obeisance to the Gaṅgā,
One drop of whose water
Dispels heaps of sin.”
navadvīpārāma-prakara-kusumāmoda-valitāṁ Read on →