यो यो मयि परे धर्म: कल्प्यते निष्फलाय चेत् ।
तदायासो निरर्थ: स्याद्भयादेरिव सत्तम ॥
yo yo mayi pare dharmaḥ kalpyate niṣphalāya cet |
tatrāyāso nirarthaḥ syād bhayāder iva sattama ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.29.21; cited in Bhakti Sandarbha: 148, 333)
“O best of the virtuous, if any sort of dharma [i.e., any sort of practice of bhakti, such as hearing, praising, and so on] related to me, the Supreme, is performed not for the purpose of a result [i.e., not out of desire for worldly attainments, Svarga, mokṣa, and so on, but rather only for the purpose of pleasing me], then exertion regarding it [i.e., for the purpose of accomplishing it] is useless [i.e., such actions can be effortlessly made manifested by bhakti’s inherent potency, and thus exertion to accomplish it is useless], just like exertion out of fear and so forth [i.e., just like fleeing out of fear, crying out of sorrow in a forest where no one can hear, and so on, are useless].”
bhaktir yadi sarvathaiva niṣkapaṭā syāt, tadā sā vināpi prayatnena pratikṣaṇaṁ svayam eva sampadyate | ity āha—yo ya iti | … tad api niṣkapaṭo’pi bhakto yad bhakty-arthaṁ satataṁ prayatate, sa ca prayatnas tasya bhaktau rāgātiśayam eva vyanaktīti yatno mahān guṇa eva jñeyaḥ |
(Excerpt from the Sārātha-darśinī-ṭīkā)
“If bhakti is without deceit in all respects, then, even without effort [on the part of the bhakta], it continuously manifests itself. Thus this verse is spoken. … Still, even a non-deceitful bhakta continuously endeavors for the sake of bhakti, and that effort simply manifests one’s intense rāga for bhakti. Therefore, effort should be known as a great quality.”