यथा सकामभक्ता हि भुक्त्वा तत्कामितं फलम् ।
काले भक्तिप्रभावेन योग्यं विन्दन्ति तत्फलम् ॥
यथा च तत्र तत्कालं भक्तेर्योग्यं न सत्फलम् ।
सञ्जातम् इति तच्छुद्धभक्तिमद्भिर्विनिन्द्यते ॥
ते हि भक्तेः फलं मूलं भगवच्चरणाब्जयोः ।
सदा सन्दर्शनक्रीडानन्दलाभादि मन्वते ॥

yathā sakāma-bhaktā hi bhuktvā tat-kāmitaṁ phalam |
kāle bhakti-prabhāvena yogyaṁ vindanti tat-phalam ||
yathā ca tatra tat-kālaṁ bhakter yogyaṁ na sat-phalam |
sañjātam iti tac chuddha-bhaktimadbhir vinindyate ||
te hi bhakteḥ phalaṁ mūlaṁ bhagavac-caraṇābjayoḥ |
sadā sandarśana-krīḍānanda-lābhādi manvate ||
(Bṛhad Bhāgavatāmṛta: 2.4.221–223)

“As desirous (sakāma) bhaktas, indeed after partaking of their desired result, in time by the influence of bhakti attain the befitting result thereof [i.e., of their practice of bhakti], and as the befitting, true result of bhakti is not manifested to them [i.e., to those desirous (sakāma) bhaktas] at that time [i.e., so long as they still remain desirous of an object other than bhakti]—so that [i.e., any object that is attained by means of sakāma-bhakti] is condemned by those possessed of pure bhakti since they consider the primary result of bhakti to be the attainment of the bliss of constant direct sight of Bhagavān’s lotus feet, sporting [in their midst], and so forth [i.e., as well as the favor of attaining the bliss of direct service to those lotus feet and the like, on account of those attainments alone being dear to bhaktas by virtue of their prema-bhakti for Śrī Bhagavān].”


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